Tuesday, September 25, 2007


O perfect moon
Shine over the silver cloud
At the gate
Where time is lost and found
In the rain
And on the rays of the golden sun
We are here
As Angels born from one
Now I see
All the things we truly are
Way back when
We exploded from that star
Now we move
On a tail of comet light
And we dance
As Gods who have the sight
On the Earth
Around the sacred forever tree
Within the sound
Of all that shall ever be
Yes, we are here
To live our time of dreams
Now I see
All that life means to me

O perfect Sun
Ablaze with flames of might
Ripe the seed
Keep it warmed throughout the night
In the circle
At the gates outside of time
I am here
Your reflection I seek to find
And we share
Each breath upon the Earth
To be born
From death to living birth
We can feel
Your touch upon the breeze
And we sing
Your praise that shall appease
So now begin
The dance of the golden Sun
In perfect Love
We honour the Shining Ones

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Autumn Equinox a time of reflection.....

I like to mark these special times with friends and family,
to seek out the energy and wisdom in the grasses and trees of our beautiful countryside and parks, to gather together in a magical place and celebrate the changing of the season. We collect acorns to put in the corner of our homes to protect against fire, and make corn dollys from the left over stalks at the edges of the fields to honour the Goddess. Hot tomato soup and cornbread, with lots of chocolate cake, and home made beer for feasting.

In Celtic times they now turned to face the dark with hope, their food stores full and their animals fattened, they gave praise to the Goddess as she left to go down to join the God in the Underword, the only reminder of her, hung in the night sky, was the Moon. So as the sunlight fades, nature rests and renews, we too should slow down, we may find ourselves a little depressed or low, this will pass as we change pace with the coming of the autumn season and her natural balances.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Autumn Equinox

Remember me

I am a thing of fur and horn and hoof, of scent and wild and free.

I am a thing of man and magic and blood sap from a tree.

I am a thing of water and soil, emerging as seasons from the sea.

I am a thing of sex and secrets, and dreams that share the seed.

I am the cards and the shuffle.

I am the tears and the laughter.

All things of beauty are my joy.

See me

Hear me

Feel me

Know me

Love me.

So mote it be.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Vintage Treasures

I want so much to recommend this wonderful book by Jane Cassini and Ann Brownfield, it is so inspirational and was tucked in my Christmas stocking last year, I just can't stop dipping into it.

Do you have any fab books that you could recommend, it would be nice to look at your choices too. xx

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Something I threw together

Indian summer.....

I thought a few days ago that the Autumn had begun it's soft grasp on the land, and that it was time to clear the fireplace of it's summer bits ready for the cool evenings, and frosty mornings... but no it's hotter than summer!! can you believe. So..... it's tea outside for us tonight, with a glass of real perry, from 'Middle Farm' in Firle Sussex and a cinnamon apple crumble to top it all off, scrummy.... have a nice evening my friends xxx

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Paintings evoke dreams....

When I was just starting university, Chloe was just graduating chloeholt.co.uk/ She is a lovely person and her art is so stunning. I was and always have been inspired by her work, so I thought you may also like to see a little.

Monday, September 10, 2007


My first day back at work.............come home tired....... SUPRISE....... look what I found on my door step, I am truly thrilled, a million thankyou's I have never owned such a beautiful needle case, in the most divine shade of green, thanks to both of you Stella and Lynn at www.gigibird.etsy.com you can have Liberty fabric any time you like (big smile) no seriously you didn't need to send me anything, but I am so thrilled you did...Kisses xxx Lynn xx

Saturday, September 8, 2007

"Mountain of the Witch"

"Sliabh na Caillighe", or the "Mountain of the Witch" is the second largest (after Carrowmore in County Sligo) megalithic cemetery in Ireland. I took these pics just before sunset tonight.

The Loughcrew Cairns, also known as the Hills of the Witch, are a group of Neolithic passage tombs dating to 3000BC. The tombs are located on three different hills and Cairn T, one of the largest tombs in the complex, is situated on Carnbane East. This tomb has inside a cruciform chamber, a corbelled roof and some of the most beautiful examples of Neolithic art in Ireland.

Was beautiful to be there as the sun set and the night blanketed the mountains. Was a great sense of peace in this most ancient of places.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

oh everything is falling apart.....but I love it

I just love nice stuff thats falling apart, it's as if I know it has a limited life so I just enjoy it, I love the history, and the fragility of these somtimes humble pieces, of lost grandeur and time that has past...........

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sticky fingers...........

Stop sewing......shopping.... car boots.... I'm making jam.....I can't stop, it feels so comforting, and now my family are starting to worry as the piles of jars are getting bigger. They look like jewels on my store room shelf and I just want more... I'm making apple butter next, and quince jelly soon, have you got any favorite recipes you can pass on....please xxxx

Holidays are so uplifting.........

This is the most lovely shop I have had the pleasure to be in.... it is called Flint and is to be found in Lewes, there are two Flints, one sells clothes and this sells the most wonderful homewares. The colours in the shop reflect the Southdowns, softest chalks, french greys, silver twinkles, like light catching the turquoise waves. Modern yet vintage, shabby but chic, so peaceful and calm, yet vibrant, in corners were great buckets of coloured hydrangeas, and baskets of squashes and pumpkins, I am so inspired.
I have just come back from the most wonderful holiday with my family. We have travelled from Bath to Southampton and onto Lewis and Brighton. Whilst we were having fun and scooting around I have been looking for inspiration for my christmas presents, labels and cards and as you can see the wonderful churches that we have visited will provide it. I will print these images out onto fabric and make some really nice cushion's and herb pillows for the sofas and labels for my parcels...........scrummy