Sunday, September 23, 2007

Autumn Equinox a time of reflection.....

I like to mark these special times with friends and family,
to seek out the energy and wisdom in the grasses and trees of our beautiful countryside and parks, to gather together in a magical place and celebrate the changing of the season. We collect acorns to put in the corner of our homes to protect against fire, and make corn dollys from the left over stalks at the edges of the fields to honour the Goddess. Hot tomato soup and cornbread, with lots of chocolate cake, and home made beer for feasting.

In Celtic times they now turned to face the dark with hope, their food stores full and their animals fattened, they gave praise to the Goddess as she left to go down to join the God in the Underword, the only reminder of her, hung in the night sky, was the Moon. So as the sunlight fades, nature rests and renews, we too should slow down, we may find ourselves a little depressed or low, this will pass as we change pace with the coming of the autumn season and her natural balances.

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