Sunday, March 21, 2010

Meeting the X factor Finalists

I had the opportunity of meeting the guys from the X factor tonight backstage before their show. They all were lovely. I have a soft spot for Lucy and Lloyd.
The show was great and I saw my friends Dance with them and do aerial so that was fun.

Celebs Exposed

Made it on the Sun online

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is just around the corner!


Late last year, right in the midst of winter's long season,
this little character was born
through the hands of my daughter, Angi.
Although only partially complete,
she was content to sit next to the window in my Doll Room.
There, she watched the frosty rain fall, and idely dreamed of snow
and icicle sparkles.

To me, she was the embodiment of a Winter's child.


For our part, we spend much of the dark winter evenings in books listening to our young readers sound-out their newly acquired words.
Consequently, their favorite books are scattered
from one end of the house to the other.
One little volume that I am constantly picking up
is an old and very worn Golden Book.
It is the one my two older daughters also loved when they were young.
This book beautifully illustrates the simple yet profound story of how children learn God's love through the tenderness given them from their family members...
Over all the years, there was one child's face that always held my gaze
a little longer than the rest.
So, I attempted to sculpt an older likeness of her as I listened
to all the reading business going on.
The face that arrived reminded me of "Spring",

and the Season's passing of Winter is their Story.


(To visit Apryl and Little Poe's auction, please click on her picture above.)

As is so often is the case in our house...sigh...
one is not wanting to give up her chair for another.


But, with a little love and ingenuity, it all works out in the end.

Spring is just around the corner!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rope Act

My rope Burglar act which is in development.... Slightly blurry recording but u get the idea!

Thursday, March 11, 2010



The Roman Catholic holiday celebrating St. Patrick’s Day March 17th was & still is intended as a day of celebrating spiritual renewal & a day of prayer for missionaries the world over. St. Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland known for converting many Pagans to Christianity. St. Patrick's Day is a national holiday in Ireland & the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean, which was founded by Irish refugees. It is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland & a provincial holiday in the Canadian province of Newfoundland. That is common knowledge. Updated interesting facts & trivia about St. Patrick's Day below...


1 ~ St. Patrick the patron saint of Ireland was not born in Ireland, by all accounts he was born in Britain around 385 AD & died March 17, 461 AD. His parents Calpurnius & Conchessa were Roman citizens living in either Scotland or Wales, according to different versions of his story. St. Patrick is buried in Glastonbury where the Chapel of St. Patrick still stands.

2 ~ Although St. Patrick was known for having converted many Celtic Druids & Pagans to Christianity, he considered himself a Pagan until he was 16. He was taken captive by a roving band of Irish raiders & forced to work as a shepherd. Although his father was a deacon & his grandfather had been a priest the future saint was not a child of faith when he was taken captive. Sleeping outside with the animals he cared for his captivity brought forth a spiritual reawakening in him. Amidst Ireland's beautiful forests & mountains he turned to God for support & solace. Once he returned home he became a devout Christian missionary.

3 ~ The Shamrock a green three-leaf clover came to symbolize Ireland & became popular after the story that Saint Patrick used the Shamrock to teach the people of Ireland about the Trinity. While Shamrock Green is the color associated with St. Patrick’s Day, his chosen color was actually blue. Green was even considered an unlucky color in Ireland until the 19th century. Most images of St. Patrick dating before the 20th century show him donning blue garments. Today wearing green, eating green food & even drinking green beer is said to commemorate St. Patrick's use of the Shamrock.

4 ~ Miracles & Legends surround St. Patrick’s having driven snakes out of Ireland, but evidence suggests post glacial Ireland never had any snakes in the first place. It is believed that the snakes were simply a metaphor relating to the Pagans that he helped convert.


While Viewing YouTube Please Pause The Playlist Bottom Of Blog
May the cool rain quench your flowers. Thirst renew your spirit & wash your troubles away.
May you always have walls for the winds. A roof for the rain, tea beside the fire. Laughter to cheer you, those you love near you & all your heart might desire.

6 ~ St. Patrick’s given name was Maewyn Succat. St. Patrick's name was changed to Patricius meaning "Father Of The Citizens".

7 ~ St. Patrick was said to have proclaimed that everyone should have a drop of the "Hard Stuff" on his feast day after chastising an innkeeper who served a short measure of whiskey. In the custom known as "Drowning The Shamrock", the shamrock that has been worn on a lapel or hat is put in the last drink of the evening. Although a widely celebrated drinking holiday in the United States this was not the case in Ireland. In fact the pubs in Ireland were ordered closed in remembrance of St. Patrick’s Day until the 1970s.

8 ~ The traditional St. Patrick’s Day meal was Irish bacon & potatoes. Corned beef & cabbage was substituted as it was less expensive.

9 ~ The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place not in Ireland but in the United States. Irish soldiers serving in the British military marched through New York City on March 17, 1762. In 1780, General George Washington, who commanded soldiers of Irish descent in the Continental Army allowed his troops a holiday on March 17th “As an act of solidarity with the Irish in their fight for independence". Today, Dublin Ireland has a parade that attracts hundreds of thousands of people, while in Chicago the river is dyed green for a few hours. The biggest parade is normally held in New York, while the largest celebration in the southern hemisphere is in Sydney Australia.


St. Gertrude was the Patron Saint of Cats, Gardeners & Herbalists. Fine weather on her feast day means it's time for planting. St. Gertrude was also patron of those seeking lodging because her monastery was known for its hospitality to travelers & pilgrims, especially the Irish missionaries. My Birthday is always a fabulous & fun holiday for us (including all our fur babies too)!


My beautiful 22 1/2" x 14 1/2" St. Gertrude Of Nivelles Painting is by my friend & talented artist Just Click:
Carolee Clark ~ King Of Mice Studios


Have fun & share your knowledge about these top ten facts & trivia about March 17th ~ St. Patrick’s Day & St. Gertrude's Day over your pints of Guinness or Green Beer.

USA Tradition Trivia is that the pinching started in the early 1700s about the time that awareness of St. Patrick's as a holiday came to the fore in the Boston Massachusetts colony. If you wore green it made you invisible to the Leprechauns else they were out to pinch anyone they could see. So the pinching was to warn you about the Leprechauns...

Have a beautiful holiday because Saint Patrick's Day is an enchanted time. A day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.

Go Mbeannaí Dia Duit ~ Sláinte agus Táinte!
May God Bless You ~ Health & Wealth!
Lyndy Ward

© 2007 ~ 2010 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Monday, March 8, 2010

INdulgence - Mardi Gras Recovery

Some pics form my aerial rope show at Indulgence. Did an new routine to some new music especially for the night. Was very well recieved and I always feel looked after when Im there.

some pics...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ari and Francois Sagat

Oh and I saw Francois again the other night. Hadnt seen him for a while, last time was his show in London. He is really a sweet man.

Heres some pics

Mardi Gras madness

So, only 1 night til my show at Mardi Gras Sydney... have a tech rehearsal in the morning then show at 2am in the Hordern Pavillion. Im thinking Tarzan on a rope... there might even be a special appearance from Jane ( Arianna Starr!) She can help spin me n stuff.

there are loads of parties on in Sydney right now and loads of shows. I went to a party called Hotmess tonight with some performers from UK and also my lovely sista Dallas Dellaforce. Here are some pics of our trashy looks.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ari meets Amanda Lepore

Some snaps taken tonight when i met Amanda at the VIP area of Nevermind Mardi Bar, she was very lovely and will be performing at Mardi Gras as well as me, so maybe I will see her there again.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the rest of the story...

In hindsight, I believe it was no coincidence that an interpretation of Dickens' Christmas Carol visited my sculpting table this last Christmas season .
The Ghost and her two sorrowful children lived with me for several months.
We became very attached.

I can't remember how many times

I thoughtfully cradled the ragged and dirty children in my hands only to imagine how they might have appeared if well tended, with smiling, bright faces.

Not long after they had flown away, devastation struck Haiti
and the Ghost's warnings resonated back to me.

Sadly I came across pictures of many of the island's suffering children
and I yearned to cradle them, too, in my hands...
It is interesting how art imitates life, sometimes even before it happens.
Thus, these beautiful Haitian children have been constantly on my mind and prayers and are forever sculpted upon my heart.


The Ghost of Christmas Future

The owner of the Christmas Carol trio has granted me the priviledge to create a Ghost of Christmas Future. Instead of Dickens' impersonation of Death, this Spirit has found two street children who have been helped by Man....

...the rest of the story

(with a sprinkling of artistic license)

So, now on my table are five new characters well underway...


Two healthy and much loved children.


(All three head wraps are very temporary)

They will be 7 - 10 inch scale, and will be built with slightly flexible torsos

to help fit them closely together
as they are seated within a large, magnificant, golden crown!


And at the entrance,
guarding the Crown will be
a Candle Lighter (in the style of James Christensen)
who keeps the Christmas flame ever burning.


...because his Extinguisher can not reach the fire to blow it out!


More exciting news...

Penny sent a very special flower my way...the first to bloom this year...

a gift of friendhip and a promise of Spring.

Penny is the artist who created the now famous Bebe Mouse

who is a beloved character in Nowhere Land.

A place where talented friends co-create an ongoing storyline of adventures and antics of their imaginative characters.

Please visit Penny's blog and be prepared to greet Angels, Mice and a royal dog named Jasper!

~ Bebe~ The tea mouse

In turn,

I leave this Sunshine flower at the doorstep of seven (I could not resist adding one more) diverse artists whose creative gleanings always leave me refreshed and blessed upon visiting their artful abodes.

The Rules...1. Thank the person who gave this to you.

2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog.

3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 6 things about yourself that no one would really know.

5. Nominate 6 bloggers

6. Post links to the six blogs you nominate

7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know
Please accept these awards with my admiration.


of Copenhagen, Denmark and her fanciful wanderings...


Dale Ann Widen

a painter of the gentle creatures who rightfully share the earth with us


Irmina, who creates as Nesca,

her pure colors and simple lines deftly defines character...

Tanya Bond, a brilliant young artist

I'm in love...


Anja Fohmann

[notes from the rookery[4].jpg]

(drawing by Daniella Barlow as featured on Anna's A Very Fairy Garden)

and her Muscovy, Remy, as Anna documents his first year of life in her loving care.

Fuzzy Sunshine!

May we ever keep our light burning brightly.


You just never know into what dark corner it might shine...

love, Rose