Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is just around the corner!


Late last year, right in the midst of winter's long season,
this little character was born
through the hands of my daughter, Angi.
Although only partially complete,
she was content to sit next to the window in my Doll Room.
There, she watched the frosty rain fall, and idely dreamed of snow
and icicle sparkles.

To me, she was the embodiment of a Winter's child.


For our part, we spend much of the dark winter evenings in books listening to our young readers sound-out their newly acquired words.
Consequently, their favorite books are scattered
from one end of the house to the other.
One little volume that I am constantly picking up
is an old and very worn Golden Book.
It is the one my two older daughters also loved when they were young.
This book beautifully illustrates the simple yet profound story of how children learn God's love through the tenderness given them from their family members...
Over all the years, there was one child's face that always held my gaze
a little longer than the rest.
So, I attempted to sculpt an older likeness of her as I listened
to all the reading business going on.
The face that arrived reminded me of "Spring",

and the Season's passing of Winter is their Story.


(To visit Apryl and Little Poe's auction, please click on her picture above.)

As is so often is the case in our house...sigh...
one is not wanting to give up her chair for another.


But, with a little love and ingenuity, it all works out in the end.

Spring is just around the corner!

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