Friday, July 29, 2011

French Gnome Garden Faery

 I have just returned from a cross-country Road Trip.
It has been far too long since I have visited my childhood home in Illinois.
It was thought that perhaps I might just accompany my sister
on her annual journey back home.
So, she and I  loaded up our 11 passenger van with food, children
 and headed down the road one early Summer Morning.

Along the way, we enjoyed long, significant
(and not so significant) conversations.
While watching in awe as our diverse American landscape
stretched out in front of us.
And naturally, I indulged in a bit of doll making.


While working on a commission, I had a clump of Apoxie left over. 
Not one to waste anythingand just for the fun of it,
I quickly fashioned a wisp of an armature
and sculpted a body from it.
Miraculously the next day, ...amidst all the road jiggling...
 a sweet little French face the size of my thumb stared back at me.
Then, I put the pieces away.
When we returned two weeks later, some of my flowers had bloomed. 
 Only their dried petals  remained
to let me know they had come and gone.
I took out the body and thing led to another,
and a tiny 5 inch French Gnome Garden Faery emerged.
 From the  flowers I had missed and other things too...
Her name is Gizelle.
She is so small and delicate and she tends a Garden full of Summer Memories.
If you would like to see more details, and read Gizelle's poem
beautifully written by Suzanne Milson (Pixie Andrew's mom)
 please consider visiting  her auction
by clicking on the ebay picture up in the right hand corner of this page!
Oh, and before I show you a new project,
please meet a young mermaid created especially for Cherrylinn.
A very dear friend of hers has comissioned this doll for her 12th birthday.
They both share a love of the sea and it's gentle inhabitants...


She was created for a bit more handling,
 and will have three tail fins that can be interchanged.


I hope Cherrylinn will find a place for  this young mermaiden
in her heart.

She is ready to swim away home any day now!

Thank you, Daisy, for allowing me to be a part
of this very special birthday surprise...

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