Tuesday, August 25, 2009

**BREAKING NEWS** Chris Brown Sentenced

Actually the judge ordered this girlfriend beater NOT to contact her for 5years

He is there to obey these things am listing below.......sounds simple but aint easy

1. Felony Probation for 60 months and must obey all laws.
2. Report to Probation within 72 hours
3. 52 Weeks of a Domestic Violence Program in Virginia.
4. Must turn in all weapons within the next 24 hours and can NOT own any weapons during that period.
5. Must Provide DNA Samples as Requested by the Authorities
6. 180 Days of Community Service (HARD) Labor… washing cars, cleaning graffiti off the walls, etc.
7. Get approval before leaving the country.
8. Report to a court room every 3 months for the next 5 years.
9. Fines and Fees: $2,500 in restitution, $2,500 in probation expenses, $30 for criminal conviction fee and $400 for the domestic violence fund.

Last But Not Least…

10. The Protective Order for the next 5 years: Brown is not allowed to harass, assault, threaten, molest, etc. Rihanna. No direct contact nor 3rd party contact with her. He must stay at least 100 yards away from her unless it is an entertainment (work) related event, then he must stay 10 yards away.

If he violates any of such things, dude is going straight to Jail.

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