Saturday, December 12, 2009

The beauty of Friday....

Flowers on our table, I love the smell of them

A velvet bag I decorated with vintage stones....

Our beautiful river

I have made Crackers and Angel Boxes for table gifts......

I do not work Fridays, yet I still love to get up at my usual 6am and walk across the river, this is my time, and within the silence I feel lifted and nourished by the sleeping countryside. There is always a stillness before Yule, a quiet I wait for the return of the light, for the birth of the Christ Child, there is a magic in the air, a sparkle of frost on the wooden fences, a robin singing in the bare branches, carols and music in the air, and when the dawn comes up a bright halo of gold guilds everything. This is precious and cannot be bought, each day is original and special, I  hope you are having a lovely time this weekend.
Love and hugs Lynn xxxx  

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