Friday, June 11, 2010

A Ghost and Six Inspirations


The first of the five characters in the Christmas Future piece is now complete...

*The Ghost*


of Christmas Future

She is a larger figure at 12 inch scale
and is both a soft and polymer sculpture.




Dressed in fine silk gauze, delicate tulles, twisted ribbons and antique lace,
with glass pearls and beads as accents,
she is the embodiment of a spirit who carries much authority.


My intent was to create a gentle countenance,
but an underlying sterness also came through.
 I am quite sure it is her determination that the children within the folds of her skirts
will be well tended and loved for all the future.


The Ghost will have two children sitting with her in a large jeweled crown. 
 They both are sculpted and are awaiting their gowns.

I have just been gifted with a very sentimental gesture,
the Inspiration Award.
From my Daughter.

My daughter Tomi feels that I inspire her...well, truth be known... SHE is the inspiration.  Our journey together has led us up and down joyful, challenging, as well as perilous paths.  We have found great comfort and validation in one another while discovering that the source of our strength lies in Someone greater than ourselves.  As I  watch Tomi mature beautifully into her womanly character, she has taught me so much...about living with a constant spirit of grace and softness while
 remaining unflinchingly faithful to her standards and beliefs.

And oh, what her hands are able to turn into heavenly gold -
little girl dresses and aprons, elderberry jams, farm grown soups to chase away winter cold(s)... filling her home to the brim with loving handiwork. All accomplished with much skill while tending to her growing flockling.

If you have not already  traveled down her lush country lane, be prepared to receive a welcome bear hug from the Bramblewood when you arrive.  Tomi is busy creating 2 new custom bears and has been posting progress pictures along the way!  Thank you, my daughter...I love you...

Now, I have the pleasure of inviting you to visit five other Very Lovely Places
that will surely inspire you as they have me! 
I will allow their pictures tell you why ...

Five Inspirations
 The parable of the Ice Cream Bar




And where might you direct our flight from here, my Five Inspirations
Please accept with admiration this award and pass it along to five others who inspire you as well!

until we meet again...always love, Rose

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