Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Rites of May............ Beltane

I am Aradia:
Daughter of the sea, and daughter of the wind;
Daughter of the Sun, and daughter of the Moon;
Daughter of the dawn, and daughter of the sunset.
Daughter of the night, and daughter of the mountains.
I have sung the song of the sea,
And I have listened to the sighing of the wind.
I have heard the hidden secrets of the Sun,
And I have drunk of the tears of the Moon.
I have seen the beauty of the dawn,
And I have seen the sorrow of the sunset.
I have lain 'neath the darkest dark of the night,
And I have beheld the might of the mountains.
For I am stronger than the sea, and freer than the wind.
I am brighter than the Sun, and more changing than the Moon.
I am the hope of the dawn, and the peace of the sunset.
I am more mysterious than the night, and older than the mountains.
Older than time itself;
For I am She who was, who is, and who will be:
For I am Aradia.
Come, my chosen one, come, my lover

When the wind blows warm and perfumed across the meadows, and bird song moves the air in tremors of song which of us can resist spending time in the company of the Goddess.
Lynn xxx

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