Wednesday, October 31, 2007


By Lyndy Ward
Halloween magick was the ambrosia just before midnight,
A hush fell over the frolickers while watching the hand of slight,
Disappearing witches reappeared as black cats,
Ghouls & goblins shrinking into spiders then flying away as bats.

Oh what fun & laughter we all had,
Our journey home was happy mixed with sad,
Yet remembering tomorrow brings another day,
Filled with more reasons to beckon Halloween to stay...

*Sweet Halloween & Magickal Dreams*

*Sepia tone photo of my new precious black kitty cat MAGICK. My Halloween gift from my sweet hubby Count Tomula.

*Magick's OOAK Wizard Hat is one of my SPOOKTACULAR Halloween gifts from one of my dearest friends Becky Federico. Check Out: Federico Fantasy Art

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Monday, October 29, 2007



Each of the Four Sacred Seasons: Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox & Winter Solstice, Dear Lady Lyndy will present for your viewing pleasure answers to your questions received through blogging comments &/or email.

This Sacred Season is the Autumnial Equinox & the Topic is:

What is OOAK ARTWORK anyway?

Original One Of A Kind Artwork.


I have a friend that recently bought an OOAK Halloween artwork only to find reproductions of the same piece by Department 56 at her local gift shop. What's up with that & how can she tell for sure if her artwork is truly OOAK?

Your friend should have a COA Certificate Of Authenticity signed & dated by the Halloween artist as well as the artwork having been signed somewhere on the piece. Without some form of documentation, unless one knows the artist personally your friend may have a reproduction. Companies like Department 56, Hallmark, Disney, Franklin Mint, Ashton Drake, Danbury Mint, Bethany Lowe Designs, etc., have some of the best reproductions on the market today. In time even the reproductions will go up in value especially if there was a signed limited edition of what was produced.


My mother recently passed away leaving me her entire collection of wooden hand carved Halloween black cats. I have absolutely no documentation & yes the cats are all signed. Where can I find information on what this Halloween black cat collection might be worth?

My soulful condolences to you & yours. Check on the Internet by using tag words like HALLOWEEN BLACK CAT WOOD CARVED. Also eBay & other auction sites may be selling the very same cats. So check those sites as well with the tag words & the name signed on the cat collection.


I'm a new artist wanting to sell my OOAK Halloween art work on the Internet. Would you recommend a website for my art work or just selling on an auction site like eBay?

I would recommend both. During leaner times you can set up a website for selling your art work that did not sell on eBay as well as showcasing your new art work.


Is Halloween Original OOAK Artwork something that is just a fad or is it something that one should collect because it might go up in value?

Halloween dates back to Celtic rituals thousands of years ago. Therefore Halloween OOAK Artwork will always be in vogue & not a fad. A vintage Victorian Louis Wain Black Cat OOAK Halloween Watercolor Painting recently sold on the auction block for $18,000.00. Today's Investment quality Halloween OOAK Artwork depending on expertise of the artist can garner hundreds of dollars, even thousands of dollars with a proven increase & faster return for the Halloween Art Collector.



Looking forward to the Winter Solstice & your questions received through blogging comments &/or email.

DEAR LADY LYNDY is written by Lyndy Rae Ward

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Saturday, October 27, 2007


'Three things from which never to be moved: one's Oaths, one's Gods, and the Truth.
The three highest causes of the true human are: Truth, Honor, and Duty.Three candles that illuminate every darkness: Truth, Nature, and Knowledge.
- Traditional Celtic Triads'


If you take such theories as the big bang into account (and it's as viable theory as anything else if you feel the necessity to consider anything as having a beginning) then 'we' must, logically, have been there, in the ancestral sense, as nothing comes from nothing (duh!), even if it is (in difference to was - I'm sure you'll work with me here!) merely as the possibility of energy as we consider energy to be. The same applies if you throw away the entire illusion of a beginning and consider the concept of a continuum and consider that possibly we don't know everything [consciously].

We're the off-spring of that immortality. We may be sun and moon and sea and stone and person and rat and mountain lion and retro-virus and all but we're still bloody-well related! And everything is unique but relative to everything else ("divided for love's sake on the chance of union").

Our ancestors (even into the far-flung memory of a trillion billion light years from now, into both 'past' and 'future') are the gods. They're not myth and legend and religion but they can be represented within them, just as simply as one or other might have passed you on the street today.

If that sounds irreverent to anyone reading this then you'd be mistaken. In the truest sense of the word - it is awesome!

Samhain....the bringer of Winter, of Dreams, and of Our Beloved Ones

Soon it will be the Fire Festival 'Samhain' or 'Halloween', the Celtic New Year.

It is a special time for me, a time put aside from my everyday living, a time to reach out to the people beloved to me, and for me to send my love to them across the mists of mystery, to speak and say, that they are remembered forever in my heart and will be part of me until we can be together again and rejoice.


The California wildfires are still blazing, yet I must move forward through Alice In Wonderland's rabbit hole...

With HALLOWEEN fast approaching what was your FAVE HALLOWEEN CELEBRITY COSTUME??? I loved doing what I did best, WONDER WOMAN! Doing??? YES, I did very minor publicity work as Wonder Woman for the Hollywood Look-A-Like Actor's Agency. So here is my FAVE HALLOWEEN CELEBRITY COSTUME...

Lynda Carter would say what in the HELL did she do??? My talent agent would say she signed autographs & jumped around like a SUPER HERO!!!

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Thursday, October 25, 2007


By Lyndy Ward

The sun sets on yet another smoke filled night,
Southlanders scurry to run from their plight,
So many of us hope for rain,
Yet nothing falls from the sky accept ashes & pain.

Castle dwellers say their possessions won't posses,
Nothing could be further from the truth since finding their burned nest,
Fresh air & clean blue skies are a thing of the past,
Only tears of hope from the knowledge that this won't last.

Don't let John Lennon's 'Coming Together' turn into a dream hallucination,
Without acknowledgment this becomes another global warming prediction,
Be aware of whence evil came,
Otherwise we all have only ourselves to blame.

Let the thick dark heavy velvet fog roll in,
Tomorrow the reapers day of reckoning will begin,
Dig yourself out from an early grave,
Let the breath of life be your soul you save.

Whisper softly to the wind show me the way,
Your guardian angel never left you & will always stay,
Spirits past, present, future like smoke intertwine,
You're not alone, you're part of humankind.

Look deep down into your lessons learned,
Were you a kind soul or a demon less concerned,
Halloween Wildfires we all have been there,
Listen with your heart & let your spirit care.

A gentle smile, a genuine hello, time heals sorrow, hugs heal pain,
Many before & many more will come, remember to tell them all knowledge is gain,
Hold onto your dreams, they cannot be burned or fade away,
Only unconditional love & truth can unlock the future & finally save the day.

Save (if you can't) then hug a fur baby, cat, dog, bunny, horse, etc... These fur kids will always be the innocent spirits that will either perish or remain.

10/25/07 CA Southland Wildfires Sun Photo taken from my backyard with the camera pointed directly at the Sun.

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Scary Salutations, I wanted my first blog to be about my favorite holiday HALLOWEEN, but a more important emergency situation is taking place in our own backyard. I feel the need to express my concerns.

It's been really scary around here in southern California with all the wildfires. On Sunday, October 21st, 2007 we had to call 911 to report yet another fire burning down the foot hills from our home. Thank God, the courageous fireman were already on this... The skies above our home have an ominous glow. AND breathing in the particulants are starting to make us all cough & sneeze with tearing stinging eyes.

Our heartfelt prayers are with all those unfortunate souls & spirits (animals & fauna included) that lost everything in these wildfires. It looks like a nuclear bomb went off everywhere. Our Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says to pray for rain & I agree.

Here's today's sunset 5:55 PM 10/23/07 photo taken from our backyard with the glow of the wildfires in the background.

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Cabbages & Roses

Cabbages & Roses have the most super new web page. I ordered for free their new cataloge and look what came, a huge pack of large, beautifully photographed, oversized postcards, showing all their super new clothes and homewares, real eye candy.
I shall indulge in some serious drooling, have some chocolate, and a cup of tea, and dream........

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Circus - Soho Revue Bar London

Thought I would post a pic up from my show a couple of weeks ago at circus. Was a great night and I must say, Circus is one of my favourite places in London. The music is hot and diverse, pretty much like the crowd. People make a bit of an effort to dress up and be creative which always helps an atmosphere.

Am performing there again on 2nd Nov.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wrap up warm.....

You know when you need somthing just to perk up your spirits, I needed that........ sooo I had a hunt in my room and discovered a nice selection of alpaca, cashmere, and merino fleece I had bought last summer, I also found some white silk guess what I have been doing this week.
I dyed the velvet a turquoise shade to go with my beigey fleece then felted the wools some to the velvet some on it's own, and now I have made two new softer than soft scarves, I added a vintage rose to one ( very Sara Parker, I wish ha!) and a vintage pearl pin to the other.
So send on the snow, winds are no problem, I shall be skipping and dancing in the spiraling Autumn mists no matter how frosty it is.......

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Art by Driian -

My good friend in France Driian continues to amaze and inspire me with his art!!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Music Video Aerial Choreography

The music video I choreographed the Aerial sequence for has finally come out. Jolin Tsai is Asias number 1 recording artist and is lovely to work with.

Here is the link to the video... the aerial is about 2min into it

And some pics

And Jolin in Action

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Making pumpkins and watching Practical Magic....

Can I recommend the most lovely, brilliant, watchable film 'Practical magic' it is just perfect for this time of the year, you do need props though, they are hot chocolate with mini marshmallows on top, soft cushions, socks, cosy fire, candlelight, family and friends (if possible), sit back and just enjoy.
I made my pumpkins last year, they are made from old linen then stuffed with hay and essential oils of cinnamon and vanilla pods and star anise, so when the room gets warm they still smell scrummy, I then washed them with lime wash to get the peely old look.
I have been watching and painting the Autum leaves as they fall silently into my garden, then in that magical silence remembering...... When I was a little girl my beloved Nanna Pitt told me that if I could catch a falling leaf I could make a wish and it would come true. I tried really hard, but so often failed, but I had sooo much fun playing this game in the woods with my grandparents watching and laughing with me. Now grown and with my own family, I always think of my Nana with love when I watch the Autum leaves falling, and I know too that she is watching them with me.
Why not try catching them yourselves it's not easy you will see what I mean.......

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Heart is an artists Gallery in Hebden Bridge.

We go a lot to Hebden Bridge to see our friends, stay up all night drinking hot chocolate under moonlight wrapped in blankets and mucking about in the canal, like children really. Then spend Saturday somtimes wondering down the High Street, pottering about, well today we saw lots of pink ballons, it was Hearts' First Birthday party' can you see the teeny tiny cakes and fab mini sandwiches, and we also had sparkling pink champange in tiny glasses, all made by 'sugar plum fairy' it was divine. I thought it was a great idea for any feasty, festive, thingy, cos you just get scrummy mouthfuls of every delight, and not get greedly overfull, or too tipsy. Loved it.

Then I saw the most fantastic Angel Cake with White Wings, it is ceramic, it is the most prettiest item I own, it kept trying to fly away on the way home, so I have to keep it under glass now, or it may well escape. I have it in the kitchen. I don't know the name of the lady that made it, but if you do, then tell her from me I am thrilled, and that she is very very talented.

I know my kitchen table is on bricks but that's not the problem.....

the problem is the window.... our kitchen is in the basement, the window is opposite a brick wall, I would love to do something to make this look prettier but just don't know what, does anyone have any suggestions.....please xx

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bargain to share..........

I had to tell you about these tea towels, they are so pretty and very very cheap.....£2.00 for two Primark, I just felt compelled to make a swooping purchase, knocking small children and grannies out of the way...... It was ugly.....
I now feel bad because I could have sewn them...I could have printed them...... but it was so nice buying them, a real treat, calorie free. I know I am starting to look like a serial lunchtime shopper, be reassured it will pass..........I think mmmmm.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Feeling pleased..........

I can't help it, even when it's Summer, even now I know that it's too early, I cannot help thinking of Christmas when I come across 'Noel 'super buys.

Friday I found this wonderful.... falling apart , rusty, candlestick, in a junk shop in my lunch hour, (if I put a candle in every holder we are in danger of looking like a light house) then today in T K Max I found the glass cake stand, how could I resist, I could see it full of snow white fondants, or suger topped mince pies. or I could fill it with vintage silver'd glass balls, with a white sugar mouse peeping out.... there is no hope for me, no hope at all.......

Aerial Pics

Some new pics from when I went to Belfast Community Circus.

Making the most of the black silk and white walls! Thanks Dillon for your patience!

More to come