Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Scary Salutations, I wanted my first blog to be about my favorite holiday HALLOWEEN, but a more important emergency situation is taking place in our own backyard. I feel the need to express my concerns.

It's been really scary around here in southern California with all the wildfires. On Sunday, October 21st, 2007 we had to call 911 to report yet another fire burning down the foot hills from our home. Thank God, the courageous fireman were already on this... The skies above our home have an ominous glow. AND breathing in the particulants are starting to make us all cough & sneeze with tearing stinging eyes.

Our heartfelt prayers are with all those unfortunate souls & spirits (animals & fauna included) that lost everything in these wildfires. It looks like a nuclear bomb went off everywhere. Our Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says to pray for rain & I agree.

Here's today's sunset 5:55 PM 10/23/07 photo taken from our backyard with the glow of the wildfires in the background.

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