Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time to April Issue

I have been in love for a few months now....big sigh...yes with a magazine in English called 'Jeane d'Arc Living' well!  it is more than a magazine it is like a wonderful interiors book, printed with gorgeous paper  and so very very pretty, lots of vintage, lots of white, lots of Swedish , Danish and French stuff.  I pour over the pages, take it on the train with me, carry it around until I am exhausted with the dreaming and planning and turning the pages endlessly..... only then can I put it down.  Until a month ago I was buying it from Europe tres tres expensive but now Camel and Yak  sell this in the UK,  it is really lovely.  Hope I've not bored you all with my discovery....   ooh and have you tried' I am not left handed' the music at the top of my page. I was playing this during my lunch hour and just had to have a little  dance, and I was having  a real good time jigging and twirling about in our empty staff room when I noticed a whole group of students watching.....from the floor above, so I just waved and now they think I'm madder than ever ha ha..Lots of hugs Lynn xxxxx 

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