Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Joe Jonas: 'We're not pedophiles' on Obama's quip

Obama's writers may have thought their quip about the Jonas Brothers during the White House Correspondents' Association dinner was a nod to the boy band and their star power, but the brothers saw it as a jab.
Nick and Joe Jonas were spotted sulking in the corner at the Bloomberg/Vanity Fair after-party when Yeas & Nays asked what they thought of the joke.
"We're not that old," Nick Jonas told Yeas.
"Seriously, we're not pedophiles," Joe jumped in.
Joe Jonas' girlfriend, Demi Lovato, seemed indignant as well. She said "who's that?" when Yeas & Nays mentioned John Edwards and followed it up with a "What's politics?"
The Jonas crew was huffing over a joke the president made during his speech at the dinner.
"The Jonas Brothers are here ... Sasha and Malia are huge fans," the president started. "But, boys, don't get any ideas, I have two words for you -- predator drones," he said.
Obama quickly turned his attention away from the Jonas Brothers. "Speaking of tween heartthrobs, Scott Brown is here," the president joked.
He picked on everyone from his staffers to Jay Leno, who headlined the event. "I am glad that the only person whose ratings fell more than mine last year is here tonight -- great to see you, Jay," Obama said. "I'm also glad that I'm speaking first, because we've all seen what happens when somebody takes the time slot after Leno's."

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