Sunday, April 27, 2008

A full and fab weekend.........

Hello my friends, another week has past, (thank goodness) and the wonderful weekend has arrived, and all to soon gone again, but this one leaves me with a cosy warm feeling that will see me nicely through a week of work.
On Friday a fantastic parcel arrived for swap with Marja (Home from the heart ). She has crafted the most beautiful range of paper items, especially for me, in my favorite turquoises, and each item has the most pretty script, with monograms of our names, or Sea angels, or pretty words, there are beautiful ribbons and twinkling vintage diamonte buttons together with lovely romantic vintage images I am so thrilled.
Please visit her blog if you can today as she is having a draw for some lovely items, that she has hand made. I am so greedy I have entered that to..... I have only just begun my return swap for Marja, so you have a little wait my dear friend.
I also want to say a big thank you to another of my sweet blog friends Regina (My country rose garden) for sending me two fantastic German magazines, I can mostly only manage the pictures, but the recipes are fantastic, so we are dining on rather exotic and delicious pastry's and breads of late, thanks to Regina, not to mention all of the wonderful new furnishing and sewing ideas.
On Friday we went up to Ulverston on the most wonderful walk. I fully intended to take loads of photo's to share with you but huh !! it rained so I only got the first one taken of the high st. But we had the most fabulous time and it was not cold, so we walked for miles over earthy scented mossy fields all covered in white anemones, primroses, and cowslips, and on the rocky outcrops the gorse hung heavy like huge golden yellow clouds. It is so wonderful to see the Goddess has returned to land, and it made me feel excited that we will be celebrating Beltane next week (the marriage of the God of the Greenwood and his Goddess the Lady of Springtime) this is my favorite festival, the mist in the air settled on our eyelashes like diamonds, and made us heady and giggly with the pleasure of the countryside.
On our return to the village, right on top of a skip we found a huge wooden candelabra at least 1meter across abandoned .............. looking so sweetly at my Adrian, whilst dragging it of the skip and taking immediate possession I said ' can you rewire this for me'? he suddenly developed that desperate look that trapped mice in corners get ' (I am in my most persuasive mood but I think this may take a few days)......his reply was 'we can't afford the electricity to run this???? ha ha said I, we can use energy savers.....I am still hopeful.
I can just see it with a nice cream or french grey finish. What do you think???.any ideas.......

Thursday, April 24, 2008

GT Magazine Interview

The latest issue of GT magazine came out here in the U.K a couple of days ago and goes to alot of other countries.

They interviewed me about my aerial and performance work. Here is the feature....


Me in Turkish Newspaper

While I was in Istanbul Turkey they ran a pic of me in one of their biggest newspapers advertising the show I was doing at the Contra Party.

Here it is....


Sunday, April 20, 2008

VIP Show @ the Island - Heaven London

Last night I was invited to perform at a special VIP party @ the Island in Heaven London.


The show was really great, a few of my mates turned up and it felt as though a spell had been put upon the audience.

I really felt their attention and energy.

Here are some pics.....







Give me more hours in a day..........

There are never enough hours.......I received this week two divine from my dear friend Beth, who so kindly sent me a Danish (I think) magazine called Vakre Hjem to help me feel better after my is the most fantastic magazine, I was completely bowled over by its quality of paper and the beauty of its photographs, thank you dear Beth, it worked!! I feel completely inspired. PS Jenny has just told me it is Norwegian at Jemarose...I should have known that!

The second is the Alabama Stitch which I saw on my friend Sarah's blog, I bought it from Amazon and I have recycled a tee shirt using the patterns in the book, have a look, it does look fabulous on. The book is choc full of fab ideas, wonderful recipes, and storys of the deep south. Meanwhile I am still!! embroidering a cloth for my moms birthday, I keep saying to Adrian if I did not have to go to work, just think of all the things I could make........I think this frightens him...and he is rather glad I go to work, he lives in dread of me recycling his trousers, or jackets with new and strange designs..........ahhh well, maybe I could have a go on a sleeve somewhere ha ha.

I am always being inspired by what my friends read, so I am going to copy my friend Katie and try to have a small feature on what I am reading or watching at the moment, maybe we could all do that, it's good to have books and DVDs recommended, what do you think?

Have a wonderful week dear friends, full of crafts, ideas, fun, and family.

Hugs Lynn xx