Thursday, April 17, 2008

Artist Comments *Nymm & Arcadia*

The making of Nymm...

While thrift shopping with my youngest daughter, we came across a little golden birdcage that had lost it's base. Clean straight lines and just the right size for a faerie to sit atop. Why, the cage could be her skirt! I had seen pictures of dolls with cages as skirts. So, we brought it home and placed it on my "idea" shelf. Then waited for the inspiration to come along for just the right maiden to wear it!

A little later, I made an armature, put on the Apoxie skeletal torso structure and a blob of clay for the head...and there it sat again. Waiting. Waiting until I added legs and asked my daughter Angi if she would sculpt a Victorian girl with me for my birdcage. Together we sculpted...wanting to make her young and brightly colored...with a bird of course. But once I painted her face, no other hair color fit her than jet black. One thing led to another and soon we were staring at a Night Faerie on a golden birdcage. Now what?!

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A work-in-progress on our kitchen baking table.

As I mentioned in her listing, the spiders are coming out in force on the farm, stretching their many legs from a winter's nap...and going after my children! But they all love spiders because of Charlotte's Web. One of their most favorite movies. So, it was decided that Nymm should have spider in her cage. Naturally, they all agreed, a Forest Faerie version of Charlotte's Web should be their story.

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Working with Angi is always exciting! And even though these two characters took us on a winding, often surprising trail of imagination...we are so very pleased that Nymm and Arcadia finally showed up! They have totally captured our hearts...and I hope yours as well!

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Thank you so much for visiting! If you would like to read their picture story, please consider stopping by Nymm's auction...


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