The music industry is going to have a lot on their hands with this cat. From the T. Dot (Toronto, Canada), we have J.R. Richy, an up and coming rap artist that has already started to make a name for himself up north and plans on taking the States along with the world by storm! His dope lyrics compliment his style so good that there would be no reason to pass up an opportunity to let you all in on the inside scoop of J.R. Richy. I'm pretty sure we ended music week off right with this one. Check it out!
LL: How long have you been rapping? (If there is a story behind it, don't be afraid to tell us lol)
JR: I started yesterday actually, *Laughs*. Not really though... wouldn’t that of been dope though ? *Laughs Again* I started rapping in grade school cause I wanted to impress this girl that sat two seats in front of me. *Sigh*...She didn’t even like rap music. I was better off becoming the next Bee Gee or something. It’s funny though, if I had knew she didn’t like rap music back then I’d be a Punk Rocker right now, f’real.
LL: Do you think that the music in Toronto is much different than here in the States?
JR: Nah, not really… I think the one major difference is the fact that Canadian Hip-Hop isn’t as universal as it should be, or as it could be. It’s not reaching out to enough people around the globe. I’m trying to build a brand in Toronto, it’s all about branding & making people believers… To be successful you have to have a team to support & represent you, it’s impossible to do it on your own. On top of all that, we never really had a spokesperson to properly represent our culture until just recently. As a matter of fact, document my next sentence; throw some quotations around it… whatever. They’re so many talented & passionate artists under 21 in Toronto that by 2015 they’re going to have no choice but to give the industry to us.
LL: Seeing as though Drake is a native of Toronto, what would you say to someone who said you we're following in his footsteps?
JR: Well, I’m from the New School of Canadian Hip-Hop, so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t in some way, or another, influenced by him. I’ve been following him for years & I think he’s extremely talented. If following in his footsteps means breaking into the American market successfully then yeah, you could say I’m on his trail. I’m almost certainly at the beginning but whatever; I’m on the trail nonetheless. The thing that the general public doesn’t understand is, as an artist, there is no one on this earth that I try to imitate. What I’ve done is I’ve pinpointed a certain quality trait that I admire from certain artists & that is what I try to emulate with my own twist to it. For example, Kanye’s Passion, Drake’s Honesty... Kid Cudi’s Heart, so on & so forth, the list goes on. I think the idea of, ‘Thinking Outside of the Box’ almost died & that would’ve been terrible for Hip-Hop music on a universal level.
LL: What do you think of the word 'swag'?
JR: LOL! Swag.. I’d say *bleep* swag but, that would just backfire, lol.
LL: Who do you think stands out in the music industry now? & why?
JR: I can think of 3 artists, Drake, Kid Cudi, & Jay-Z. Drake because he’s in the greatest position any unsigned artist can be in. Kid Cudi because he’s so different they might have to give him his own genre. *Laughs* And Jay because he might’ve single handedly killed the presence of autotune in Hip-Hop... maybe, I doubt it though.
LL: Anything you want to let your fans and our readers know?
JR: Yeah, Follow Me On Twitter B*tches. *Laughs*
P.S. ..I Appreciate All The Love I Receive From Home & From Across The Border, Honestly, I Do It For Y’all, Look Out For My New Shxt, You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet !
Peace & Much Love To You,
You can check out J.R.'s music at:
& for all you crackberry addicts, his BBM Pin is 31EDB07D.
-Christopher Nic.
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