Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hi Lovely people

I know it's been long since i put anything(good or bad) out here. Sorry people,.....

My long hiatus has been as a result of some intense, serious n exciting project i was involved in over the past week or two.
But i wont let y'all in on the project YET. Will tell you all after a least, something to hope for.

Okay so i was in a NewYork studio the other time, and a tall blonde lady, looking well : oven baked from the lavish tan, with her little rat( Chihuahua) atop her Luis vuitton hand bag, approached me. It was dark so from a distance you couldn't make an image out well. She asked from a distance if she could use my cell phone.....wats the big deal, i got unlimited minutes, so i replied back as she got close. and....OMG u wouldn't believe who it was...(i'll tell y'all next time..... AHHHHH!!! ( like a bad suspense in a soap opera),lol. GOD's grace, i am back home and ready to dish out some gossips n news as i grap 'em. So y'all hold on tight, 'cause its about to get turbulent on LIBVIXEN dot BLOGSPOT.


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