Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The New Times

So I have been hearing a lot of buzz about a hot new comic called the Revolutionary Times. It was co-created by one of my Identical Variant buddies Sean Mack, and I wanted to know more about it. Well what better way to find out then facebook chat! lol. Here's what he said.

Donyale: Hey!

Sean: hey what's up?

Donyale: I wanted you to give me a lil info about rev times...I'm gonna post about it

Sean: oh word? that's wassup

Sean: my bad, fb chat kept messing up on me. But yeah, what type of info did you wanna know about it? The basics?

Donyale: yeah pretty much. what it is? why did you start it? what's your plans for it

Sean: well it's basically a comic series that focused on two teens Brandon and Sean, that are trying to start their own newspaper called The Revolutionary Times that basically talks about conspiracy theories and other shady things that happen in the world

Sean: How we got started was because the writer, Brandon came to me a while ago and wanted to know if I wanted to create a comic with him, which i was all for because dude was a good friend and I liked the idea he was going for It was basically filling in that void of comic strips that have been lacking an urban view of things. I mean because other than the Boondocks and a few others, you don't see much of them prominent nowadays

Donyale:i didn't know boondocks was a comic (I'm probably super late)

Sean: oh yeah, it started off as a comic strip first than transcended into the cartoon

Donyale: dope. do you guys want to turn into a cartoon?

Sean: ultimately yeah, cartoon, animated film, both lol. who knows what the future holds

Sean: actually because of like one of the ideas of the comic is that the two are always high on the FBI's wanted list i had an idea for a movie where they're actually on the run from the government, kinda like an animated version of enemy of the state i guess you could say

Donyale: lol I like it! do you both go to ccs(college for creative studies)?

Sean: nah actually, he stays in north carolina

Donyale: power of the internet, lol

Sean: i know right lol

Sean: he used to live in michigan but he had moved there sometime during high school. we got back in touch a year or two ago and that's how we started thinking of the comic

Sean: yeah but right now we're basically focused on making the comics right now, and keeping up with the blog that's sorta like a side thing for the comics

Donyale:well I really like the comics and the blog...has a different point of view. do you both design?

Sean: thanks.

nah, he's more of the writer. i do write some of the strips too but he's the main writer. i'm basically the designer lol

Donyale: good collab. Well I think I'm gonna just post this chat, lol...do you mind?

Sean: oh nah, go ahead. i don't mind.

Donyale: cool...well the post should be up in a bit :-)

Sean: aight cool. and good look on the shout out.

No problem Sean! Make sure you all go visit The Revolutionary Times

-Doni W.

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