Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pippi in Winter

(yellow cast from evening, indoor lighting)

To help me not miss Pixie Andrew too much, a new Pixie has come to visit.
A funny little girl...
altogether asymmetrical.
She is an impossible mixture of mischief and sophistication.
This picture is of her face before carrot red braids are added,
and before her little monkey companion climbs up into her arms.
Her name is Pippi,
 and she prefers mismatched longstockings too!
Hopefully this child will be finished in a week or so
and as soon as she is,  I will post portrait pictures for you to see!

Life steadily moves along here inside the house,
 one day leading seamlessly into another
in my familiar homey landscape. 
But outside...well, that's a different story.
This winter has been an everchanging diorama outside the windows.
Grey blue skies and buckets of rain.
Heavy fog, hail and sleet.
Even a surprise visit from the sun
that stretched a rainbow across the empty corn fields in front of our house.

Yet, in all the blustery, erratic winter weather, there were no snow flurries!
But finally the wild birds
wintering in our little community alerted us  
that snow was on the way. 
And snow it did
for a few short but brilliant days. 
Everything here at the farm looked whitewashed, pretty and new.

The guineas were not near as anxious as the children were to go play in it. 
 Of course  they made the chickens venture out 'first,
to investigate this strange, cold stuff falling all over their yard.

Then they sent out the ducks.
(Although the ducks insisted it was their idea first.)

School was cancelled and soon anything with wheels
was pulled out and filled with children...
and dogs...!
Finally, everyone headed for the barn
to warm up after an afternoon of wagon racing, snow people building
and snow ball throwing.

The chickens never did report back to the guineas. 
Rather, they headed to the barn, too,
 and waited it out with the goats and the rabbits.

A perfect end to a snow filled day was...snow ice cream, ofcourse!
Back out in the barn,  our goat Joe was really curious about all the goings on...
 I am adding this picture because his expression reminds me of myself,
poking my head into your studio windows from my side of the computer!


Dear friends, please know that your visits are all so precious to me.
  Like Joe, I poke my head into your blogrooms,
 but unfortunately words do not flow from my fingers easily late at night.
  Very often, I will leave quietly without a word. 
But my heart lingers behind, wishing you well in your artistic endeavors.

Happily, my Doll Room schedule is full right now. 
 To find the time to devote hours needed for dollmaking,
 my computer time has been sacrificed.   
 But I will be faithful to post pictures of my all Little Ones for you to meet
 and hope they bless you
as your own creativity always uplifts my spirit!

The thoughts that you take the time to leave here are read with much affection
and are so appreciated.
Please forgive me for not being able
to do the same for you right now.

Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the world!
until later...always love, Rose

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