Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The Academy Awards

Such an extravaganza & I could not decide what to wear.

George Clooney accepting the award on my behalf.

Donald Trump offering me a twenty dollar bill for the award, I declined!
Leonardo DiCaprio waiting to whisk me away...

My fabulously talented artist friend & kindred spirit CHRIS KLINGLER has awarded me the Art Prize & Award.

This award has arisen from the many visits that I dedicate to the Blogs which nourish me & enrich me with creativity. In them I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly ART. I want to share this award with all those Bloggers that entertain me. Many of those Bloggers have already been tagged with this award, so I will leave the rest of the work to all the Bloggers that visit other Blogs & are nourished by them.

The rules of passing on this award are as follows:
Post award in your own Blog.
Post who gave it to you indicating it's origin & a link to the site.

I'm passing the Art Prize & Award forward to my fantastically talented artist friend & soul sister BECKY FEDERICO who completely deserves this award.

ENJOY THE 80th ACADEMY AWARDS February 24th 5PM PT on ABC...
"All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up." Spoken by Norma Desmond played by the lovely Gloria Swanson in the 1950 movie SUNSET BOULEVARD


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