Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Artist Comment

A work in progress

Our days have been especially full this week. It is our family time to spring clean (rather...get rid of) all the creative clutter that has accumulated in the nooks and crannies over the winter. There is plenty to wade through in drawers, closets and under the many beds in this old farm house...the dust is flying too! Not much time for sculpting until well after dark.

A mermaid has, however, been taking form on my work table into the wee hours of the night. Last night I almost greeted the new morning sun with her! Yet still there is much left to be done.

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Though she is a creature of the sea, I have experimented with faerie textures and fabrics for her tail and costuming which do not necessarily associate with usual merfolk wear. Her story has not come together yet. I am looking forward to that. She has a shell of a snail in her hand which holds a black pearl. Perhaps a gift of some sort...

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I would be delighted if you would visit her auction to find out more about Nariel. Hopefully, she should be arriving on Ebay this Friday or Saturday evening!

Thank you for stopping by to visit...it is always so nice to *see* you!

Until we talk again...

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