Saturday, March 8, 2008

The beautiful things that Katie makes.......

I am so thrilled!! with my new swop from my sweet friend Katie at Sparrows Cottage.....A Ladye Theatre, I just could not believe my eyes, when I saw how delicate and beautiful it is. In fact I have had it a week now, and I have had to wait to photograph it in the daylight, so that you would all be able to see the incredible detail in it. I am so thrilled!! Katie has even used original 18century paper in it, isn't that fantastic. THANKYOU SO MUCH, Katie for taking the time out to do this swop xxxx.

I have also ordered a wonderful stationary set from Katie for my mom for her birthday, you can put together all sorts of wondeful hand crafted stationary and decorative items that Katie makes in a compilation box, go have a peep at Sparrows Cottage, you will love it.

I hope you are all having a great weekend, quiet or busy or just dreaming..... but just how you would like it to be.
Thanks for popping by to see me, I love you visiting.
Hugs dear friends
Lynn xx

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