Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Artist Comments

Thank you very much for visiting my blog. So nice to see you here!

The idea of a Blog came to me after I received a number of requests about a website place to view the b.b.flockling fairy~tales once the auctions were over on ebay. Blogging seemed a good way to do that while being able to maintain frequent updates. A hearty *thank you* to all of our beloved friends for sending me in this direction. Now I too can visit the Little Ones when I miss them.

Once an auction is over, I will record the story here. And each week I will also write a short synopsis of the next character/s which will be flying off my worktable into the imagination of our dear visitors.

Please meet Efee and Little Bird

Arriving next from within the deep recesses of the Rainforest will be an Elder of great reknown...and affection. Her name is Efee. She is, oh, about 700 years old ~ give or take a 100 years ~ and is the most treasured visitor of all the faerie children because of her fantastical stories and her seemingly bottomless heart. She finds room for all the young faes in her generous heart, and they know it well!

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Since I first began sculpting, my greatest hope was to be able to portray emotions within the faces.

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I think Efee and Little Bird portray some of that...a gentle love for one another that I hope is evident in the photos. This pair has been in progress for some weeks now. It has been a back and forth debate between my mind and my heart to put them up for auction. Their tender affection for one another brings a smile to me each time I look upon them here at my desk. I have no favorites, but if I did it just might be these two! Their intricate costuming in rich earthy colors combine to create an idea of where they come from...while at the same time they become a nice contrast to one another. Efee is ancient, short, stout and wearing her many travels on her face and clothing. Little Bird is slender, tall and gangly. Her face and clothing are fresh and ready for new, unknown adventures. They are very good for one another.

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Here at the farm, we have enjoyed a few momentary visits from the sun poking through the rain clouds. Our grass in the fields and yard is growing lush and green because of it and we are feeling that Spring is just around the corner. So, I thought Efee might be a welcome herald of Spring, and like Little Bird we are eager to greet her!

May this note find you well and content.

I do hope to see you again!

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