Thursday, March 19, 2009

Couples With Onscreen Chemistry

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Whenever these two are paired as romantic partners in a movie, viewers are guaranteed a convincing sizzling hot onscreen romance. From the movie Beyonce the president’s daughter to in my husband’s eyes, viewers were given their money’s worth and then some-in romantic terms that is.

Majid and Yvonne Nelson

Where do I start? The passion between these two is so intense it could literally crack a screen-okay a little bit of an exaggeration there. They seem genuine in how they hungrily reach for each other not to mention that I-will-tear-you-apart look they exchange. Very intoxicating.

Van and Jackie

Thiers is one of the worst onscreen romance I have ever seen. In the movie “Royal Battle” the chemistry between them is nonexistent; it felt like I was watching a virtual wood kissing an unresponsive pole. Though in recent movies I have observed some improvement, these two need to put aside their uneasiness and whatever barrier there is and go for it. What happened to professionalism and the ability to set aside all casualness and inhibitions?

Majid and Jackie

The romance between these two is usually sensual and tender. Though somewhat subtle, it usually brews into this intense yet gentle passion leaving audiences rooting for them. Spoiler alert-this is usually ruined by a bunch of Shakespearean baloney. It is a turn off-why do these screen writers have to mar everything with their tendency to over indulge!?

Majid and Nadia

I have seen these two in a couple of movies, but honestly they just don’t cut it romantically when paired together. The intensity of their passion is too dim compared to the passion the exhibit when paired with different partners. Obviously, they both put a lot of effort into coming across believable but sorry guys, I just don’t buy it!

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