Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cool around my neck.........

Well........I have braved a hair cut...and it feels rather liberating to have shorter hair...more girly somehow ha ha...
Now I can have kisses on the back of my neck...enough!!
Here are some pictures of some bits I have been playing with. The dress is my Easter Sunday best, I bought the beautiful vintage style tissue rose from Lee Weber doesn't it look lovely on my dress.
I have been making Easter garlands from hares and hens , and funny little peg hanger's to clip all of my current inspirations to.
The divine little slippers are from Katie's Etsy Shop Old wild Cherry's, she has just opened it and has filled it with so many lovely things to buy.
I hope you are all enjoying the changing landscape, as the Goddess returns from sleep, and spreads her cloak over our land again, sending our souls soaring into the milky sunshine, whilst the cold fingers of winter lurk still icy in the shadows.
Have a lovely week and find fun and pleasure in all you achieve.
Hugs Lynn xxx

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