Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sunflower Faerie WIP

It has been quite an eventful winter.

Just after Christmas, this is the sight we saw from our living room window before nightfall...
and the river that was now in our yard was still rising.


January brought a flood that made all others we have gone through look like puddles. For awhile, we felt as if we were on the ark. The chickens were safely roosting in our back room, and we put all the barn animals up on stacks of wood pallets. Even though I was very nervous about staying put this time, it was a good thing we did for the animals' sakes. Our "houseboat" did not succumb to the river. God held back the flood waters and for that we are profoundly thankful.
I would not blame you if you wondered out loud why we stayed. Well, there was so much water in our county...the entire state actually, that emergency services were urging people to stay at home if at all possible and get off the roads. Water was rising so quickly and continued to do so for several days that cars were getting stranded enroute and rescue missions were becoming more and more dangerous.
Our children thought it was a grand time afterall and made a high adventure of paddling the canoes around the yard.

Our family is also going through the last adoption "birthing" of our two youngest children as well as welcoming two wonderful new grand*children. The flockling has been filling our time and energy completely. My faerie children have been patiently wating their turn. But we all have been missing the wee ones so much that my husband and children have all been figuring out ways for me to spend more time in my studio...
It is working...
Here is a little preview of who is presently coming to life in my studio. Her name is Shamaine and she is a Sunflower who was/is being transformed into a Faerie by the Elves.


Shamaine will have a long gown and long auburn hair.


Even though she rather likes having two legs instead of a stem, she is missing her sisters in the garden and travels back to her place with them often.
I hope to have her completed within the week.
Then she will be ready for her next journey...ebay.

A moonchild and lunar faerie have been completed and are on ebay right now. Moffett is only two inches and she fits comfortably on the tip of her moonchild.

It is hard to really guage her smallness in the pictures I took so far. I am thinking of capturing her for a moment and placing her on Shamaine's shoulder for a portrait before they all fly away.


It is so good to be consistently sculpting again...but who knows what the morrow may bring. As for now, we have so much to be thankful for.
And I thank you for visiting my blog and being as patient with me as the faeries (and my family) are. Hopefully my next entries will not be so far apart.
So good to see you! Rose

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