Sunday, June 7, 2009

Scary Spice buff's up

Were you a HUGE Spice Girls fan like Doni W. and Chris Nic were back in the day?!? I know I wasn't.. lol... but I always had an eye for good looking women!! Well.. Mel B. aka Scary Spice was always my favorite Spice to stare at on the tube.. lol.. I lost interest in her for a moment when she became preggo by Eddie Muphry.. but I forgave her... That's whats most important!! Well, she is back on the scene and looking beyond beautiful!! I love an athletic woman and she's looking like an amazon!! I'm sorry, let me stop drooling for a second... OKAY, I'm done! I'm happy to see she is still looking great, and I heard she might be making a solo album sometime soon!!

~Mark Fresh

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