Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nick Jonas Needs His Beauty Sleep

Looks like it's past somebody's bedtime! Here we have Nick Jonas, yawning it up at last night's American League Championship Series game between the New York Yankees and the Texas Rangers. As we have documented in the past, Nick Jonas is no stranger to baseball. Especially the seats and hot dog stands at Yankee Stadium. And last night the singer/actor/public thinker was in attendance to see his beloved Yanks get spanked by the Rangers. Which brought about this reaction:

In the top pic, Nick Jonas could very well be yawning to exhibit that cool, calm and collected vibe that permeates Yankees fans--a feeling that ain't over 'til it's over. Or he could still be feeling residual exhaustion from all the globe-trotting touring he's done with his Jonas Brothers this past summer.
But he's probably yawning because baseball games take a long time and go pretty late, and yawning is pretty much what one does after a couple of innings.
The Yankees and Rangers play game five this afternoon. No word on whether Nick Jonas will be in attendance; let's just hope he got a good night's rest beforehand.

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