Saturday, October 23, 2010

Summer's End


Greetings, dear friends!

How is it that only yesterday I was helping my daughters press carrot seeds into the freshly dug dirt...
and just this morning I noticed that maple leaves
 have covered the now empty rows. 

And is there a distinct chill of frost in the air?
 Could the Summer Season really have passed by so quickly,
or could it be that I have been so caught up in all the details
that I did not notice that Autumn has long been at our door?


Come walk with me and visit some of the doings and goings on 
that have kept me away from visiting with  you
for much too long!


There was an Elven Slipper that finally found 
a Shoemaker faerie to add the finishing touches.


Her name was Givanni and she was born with no wings.
 She chose to live amongst the field mice...
and they
gave her flight
 upon their Thistledown.


A special little Summer faerie
 who was inspired by the real dream of a real child.   

FINALLY, an armature made
 that just might bend for the lifetime of a doll
without breaking!
Here is one with the face of a living angel...

A tiny mite sculpted for my sister's birthday. 



A WIP Angel who will hopefully carry on her wings
 the glad tidings of the Christmas Spirit.
Lots of fresh eggs, and brand new babies...

Even a fresh coat of celery green house paint
to compliment our bean patch.
Sure to chase away
any winter blues.


Field  fences reinforced to keep the goats...


and the cows out of the neighboring farmer's corn field.



Chubby handfuls of picked peapods
that never quite made it into the dinner pot.




   A rescued young chipmunk
who filled our mornings with exuberant antics.


And finally a chocolate raspberry cake baked with love
and thoroughly enjoyed on
 a (badly needed) refurbished front porch.
Watching the Sun set upon our full days...

So that is where the Summer went!!

I neglected to notice it's passing
 as I was enjoying every moment of it.

I hope your creative fields are bursting
 with bright blossoms
of days well spent...

And your Autumn is rich with many thankful reflections!
much love to you, Rose 

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