Thursday, February 26, 2009

You Know Big Sean

So, lets say you had a dream to be a superstar music artist and THE hottest artist out took you under his wing signed you to his label and introduced your music to the world. That'll be crazy right?? Well in Big Sean's case dreams really do come true. While in his hometown, Detroit, Big Sean got the opportunity to rap for Mr. Kanye West and Ye told him right then that he would sign him. But let's not just give Kanye too much credit. Sean has an undeniable talent, and it was only a matter of time before he got his foot in the door. Somehow in between traveling and performances we got a hold to Sean to pick his brain a little bit. And because I'm just that good to you, I'll let you see what he had to say.

: Ok, so I don't want to ask you the typical "How does it feel to be signed to G.O.O.D Music" question because I'm sure it's amazing. But I would like to know do you feel a lot of pressure to live up to the creativity of Kanye and your label mates (Common, John Legend, Mr. Bentley)?

BS: It's a dream come true to be on GOOD Music. Kanye was one of my favorite artist so for him to sign me, let alone acknowledge me is insane. I feel no pressure though, because you got to accept that when your on a team like GOOD, you're on there for a reason.

DW: True. So, what's your definition of success?

BS: When you can look at your life and feel accomplished, happy, and satisfied! I think success is measured not by money, but more so happiness.

DW: Being from Detroit, do you think it makes a difference where your from when trying to get into the music industry or can you really make it from anywhere?

BS:I think it makes a big difference! You can make it out of anywhere, but I feel like some places are harder then others. There are some cities who support artists who get opportunities to be radio, get signed, etc. And some cities where everybody in the city thinks they can do a better job themselves and therefore hate on the artist. Sometimes that can make or break somebody. It also depends on what type of artist you are too.

DW:Has there been a specific moment where you had to stop and take it all in and realize how blessed you are? Like fans noticing you on the street, or a special performance, or traveling to different places?

BS: All the time. I'm as blessed as I want to be. as an artist and as a perfectionist I can say I'm nowhere near where I want to be at in my career, but I can say it's coming. I'm one of the most blessed people in the world though. It's hard work though.

DW: So where do you draw inspiration from?

BS: I get inspiration from other artist, sometimes regular people, sometimes certain situations. All sorts of different things give me inspiration. I don't think inspiration will ever not be there, no matter what, it's like air. Sometimes you just don't even recognize inspiration in situations, but it's always there.

DW: When did you decide to make a career out of music? And what would you be doing if you were not doing music?

BS: I decided I wanted to do music when I was about 9 or so. If I wasn't doing music I would probably be in school trying to get my life together and figure out what I want to do.

DW: Do you plan on venturing out into other areas? (clothing line, acting, reality series?)

BS: Yeah, I'm a hell of a actor. lol. Seriously my mother was a professional actress for a very short part of her life but she was extremely good. She had to quit because she had me and my brother, and my dad wasn't around too much. I actually made a song about it on my album where I explain her story. Kanye produced it and is featured on it too.

Source Magazine

DW: Is there anything about the music industry that upsets you?

BS: A million and one things. You got to be made for this shit, or it will kill you. I can't get too much into that though. Labels can be your friend, and they can also be your enemy sometimes.

DW: As your fame grows, what do you want to avoid as a celebrity?

BS:Just a bad reputation. But I'm a cool person and I keep it real, so I think I'll be good. I want to avoid all the dirty hoes too. Send the pretty, clean, cool ones my way though, lol.

DW: Lol, I can understand wanting to avoid that. So what's next for Big Sean?

BS:Finally Famous the Album. Crazy! Got Kanye, Dream, Pharrell, etc. It's going to be something to remember. I promise. I'm also releasing a mixtape with 10 deep too that's going to be dope as hell. A good intro warm up for the album. Whatever I can get my hands on.

To learn more about Big Sean head over to

-Doni W.

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