Friday, October 16, 2009

Just Do It!

Dunks, Air Max, Shox, and Air Jordans. Nike has built such a prestige and following around its brand that no matter who enters into the world of sportswear, Nike will be the one to beat. When I got word that a Nike designer would be less than an hour away (well close to 2 hours considering that we got lost) I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to sit in on his presentation.

University of Wisconsin graphic design graduate, Jason Landis, got off to a slow start after graduation. After 2 years of barely scratching the surface in the design world, Landis became more serious about his chosen career field and really pounded the pavement and began to knock on the doors of design firms and creative directors.

Well good thing he did. After 4 years of freelancing and working for a newspaper in Portland, OR, Landis contracted with Nike for two years and has now been a permanent designer for 3 years. And he says the Nike campus in Beaverton, OR, with almost 6,000 employees reminds him of the positive atmosphere of college. Chill office environment, music of your choice, lenient deadlines, and no dress code…sounds like heaven with a pay check.

Due to our tardiness, C Nic, James of Closet Studio Design, and I, caught the tail end of a video included in the presentation. It showed graffiti artists in South America and how they risk their lives daily for the sake of their passion. Landis and crew took inspiration from these artists and the style of their art, and interpreted it into Nike designs. Inspiration is every where and he advised the artists in the room to keep a sketch pad around at all times.

Seeing that the room was full of wide eyed hopeful students, Landis informed us about internship opportunities available at The internships are available in every area within Nike – design, marketing, finance, etc.—and he raved about the “Innovation Kitchen” where the interns go to cook up new fresh ideas to showcase their skills.

When the question and answers portion came around, I was reluctant to ask questions in fear that he’d already answered the question while we were speeding down I-275. But my curiosity outweighed my fear and my hand shot up…more than anyone else in the room. “Who initiates collaborations?” “Where did you graduate from?” “How did you finally break into the field?” What?? A girl needed to know! Luckily Landis was really down to earth and willing to answer as many questions that came to mind.

After the presentation was over and the Michigan Institute of Art staff said their piece, we chatted more with the designer. Seeming like just one of the guys, Landis made working for Nike appear accessible to all of us. Refine, Edit, and Repeat is a motto Nike bases its company around. Refine your talent, Edit the unnecessary, and Repeat your hits (not misses), and I’m sure a company like Nike will be within arms reach.

Liv Lux Nike Dunk?!...Maybe.

-Doni W.

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