Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Beat The Winter Blues!

I Hate winter, with a capital H. Fall I love, Spring I love because of the layering options...but winter gives you no choice but to cover up before the hawk gets you (don't act like you don't know about the hawk). My biggest problem with winter is dryness...dry skin and the need to apply lip gloss every 5 seconds. These few things listed below help me make it through all the way until spring.

Victoria's Secret soothing lip balm in peppermint is a God send. It has a slight tingle to it (duh, peppermint) and it's thick enough to last for hours but not sticky enough to catch every hair on your head. I love it...only thing is I really don't care for lip gloss in a pot because of the mess it leaves on your hands.

Please people if you can, invest in some kind of moisturizer with Shea butter in it. I'm lucky enough to have a crafty mom and she made me a all natural face cream with a shea butter base and essential oils mixed in...I now swear by it, it lasts all day and goes well under make up. Since you obviously don't have access to my mom just go to your local store and scope out the products and see which ones contain shea butter.

BEST LOTION EVER! When I used this Eucerin lotion it felt like my skin transformed into silk...I couldn't stop rubbing my arms and insisting on everyone else to rub them too. I have to admit it is slightly greasy, but not vaseline greasy, it's a unique kind of greasy-ness, but it gets the job done none the less.

Other than that...don't be too cute for a hat and gloves and you should be ok!

-Doni W.

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