Sunday, December 21, 2008

Queen of the Moon, Queen of the Sun,
Queen of the heavens, Queen of the Stars,
Queen of the Waters, Queen of the Earth,
Bring to us the child of promise.
It is the Great Mother who gives birth to Him
It is the Lord of Life who is born again.

Welcome to my back door.........

Pop your coat on the chair....

Stay for a while........

Smell the roses

'Lets look at some older Wedding pictures'.............................

.......................Laughing with a friend.......................

Have I forgotten anything........

My Beloved Husband Adrian

Our wedding ten years ago...................the only thing working was the Aga...we chose it instead of a car,!! can you believe ha ha. You can see the house was a building site, no carpets, or curtains, nothing....but we had family, friends, laughter, joy, the magic of the Solstice, the smell of flowers and pine branches...
Today we still have these things, I would not swop them for all the brightest jewels in the world, and would wish you same.
Happy Christmas, God Jul, Joyeux Noel.
With Love
Lynn xxxx

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