Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Gifts.....

I am getting a little bit more confidant, so I have made my Mom a bracelet for Yule and put on a vintage clasp, then I made a sort of vintage tag to put on the wrapper, I will wrap it with velvet ribbon and it will give her a nice hint of the goody inside, and as a selfish reward... I made myself an 'L' to wear on some ribbon, I know I need lots of practise yet but this is fun.
Hope you all have a divine weekend. xxxxx

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


AHHHHHHHH** Exciting memories! Ben Hur's famous chariot race & Charlton Heston one of my high school movie star heroes & graduation diploma presenters.

I've Been tagged by John Randall York & Carolee Clark, encouraging friends, accomplished artists & accomplished musician (JR) to write 5 Random Things about myself.

1. My Christmas water color painting of a log cabin, snow topped mountains, snow tipped pine trees & reindeer was chosen in my elementary school as the Principle's Award Winning Number One favorite art work of the year.

2. I started teaching piano at age eleven & skate boarded to my students houses with a briefcase filled with music books balanced on my head.

3. Charlton Heston was our High School's graduation commencement speaker because I was head of my senior class steering committee with my friend who's father's best friend was Charlton Heston & we begged Ben Hur himself. Very little begging, Moses AKA Chuck was thrilled.

4. Besides piano teaching, I did Paris Original runway modeling to pay my way through college. No, not in Paris, a term for high fashion five minute cat walks.

5. I was on the NBC reality TV show FANTASY, hosted by Peter Marshall & Leslie Uggams where I won a Lynda Carter Wonder Woman Look Alike contest.

1. Post these rules on your Blog.
2. Link to your Tagger. This is a wonderful PR tool for the GOOGLE search engines. HENCE THE NAME TAGGED! This reciprocating Tag means PR both ways, which in turn means more visitors & possibly more business for the entrepreneurs.
3. Share 5 facts about yourself on your Blog. Some facts can be random & some unusual. Sharing on Tagger's Blog is optional.
4. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their Blogs.
5. Let them know they are Tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.

*The INTERNET TAG GAME is a clever way to social network promotional (PR) links. It's a good thing!

*Remember if you keep getting tagged & you're very busy at least your RANDOM 5 are good to go again & again & again... Unless you want to add another Random 5 for each time you have been Tagged. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...

I have read some added Random 5's 'Part 2 Or More' & they were GREAT!

I've already met a wonderful author from this indexing & interesting game. So TAG ON EVERYONE, this really is the Internet's TELL A FRIEND!

Becky Federico
Carolee Clark
Jodi Creager
Johanna Parker
Suzanne Urban

Bloggers Just Want To Have Fun & Pass On Great PR, Lyndy

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Monday, November 26, 2007

My super swop from Finland.........

I am so very THRILLED with my super swop from Marja xx. I just could not believe all the wonderful creations made especially for me, my own'White Christmas Collection', even my husband was so excited and helped me, as I opened the box of delights from Finland. You are indeed a very gifted and inspired friend xx. Thankyou so much for taking the time and trouble in creating these lovely items for me, and my family Marja xx. (big smile, and squeal) I can truly say, that I have never had so much fun before I had my Blog, and I have come to meet so many wonderful people, (some who have become good friends), since having it!! I had no idea,.... honestly how many genuine, and kind people are out there in our world, it lifts my heart it truly does.

So pretty!

Just right for the tree!

I love these colours

Aaaaah the choc has been started mmmmm and the book has loads of super inspiring pages. Thankyou xxx

Saturday, November 24, 2007


There are many Moon Gods, but the Moon itself has always been perceived as the female Moon Goddess. The heavenly beautiful Full Moon is when we can draw on her power for lunar magick. We can cast our spells in accord with her cycles. She inspires & illuminates us.

The Magickal Moon is the astronomical body closest to us. She has a profound influence upon us. The highest energy occurs at the Full Moon. This is the most powerful time for magickal workings. The New Moon is the next most powerful time for Magick.

The Sun & Moon are in opposite signs now & the qualities of both signs in which they fall are lit up with a current running between them. Set your intentions on the New Moon. Release your intentions on a Full Moon to the spirits.


Here is the Artist Guide to the Magick Moon color correspondences for the different Moons throughout the year. Starting with All Hallow's Eve the first Full Moon has the color of Dark Blood Red. Every Moon there after has a corresponding color in the following sequence:

1 October * Dark Blood Red
2 November * Pale Blue, Crystal Silver
3 December * Black
4 January * Purple Violet, Blue Violet
5 February * Blue
6 March * White
7 April * Yellow Green Lime
8 May * Pink
9 June * Bright Orange
10 July * Golden Yellow
11 August * Dark Green
12 September * Burnt Dark Orange
13 Extra Full Moon Year * Dark Blood Red

In some years there are 13 Full Moons before the next All Saint's Day. In these instances the 13th color is used which is the repeat of the All Hallow's Eve Moon. The dark red symbolizes the wine we drink in celebration of these years.

'May the FORCE be with you & may you also be ONE with the FORCE!'


© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Show Friday night

Performed my new show on friday night to an appreciative crowd at the Brickhouse Restaurant on Bricklane in London.

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The venue really is perfect for aerial shows!

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The show is themed on Arabian nights, and I`m like a Persian Prince who climbs the silk. The music is kind of hypnotic and really sets the scene.

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More to come soon...

Friday, November 23, 2007

A day I should like to share with you all.........

Today, was just perfect.
This morning I ran as usual along the icy riverside, frost had traced it's fingers across my path and all nature twinkled in greeting, the bare bones of the trees outlined against the clear sky, stark and Arthur Rackham-ishly beautiful.
On arriving home a parcel was waiting for me from America, I just adore the wonderful post marks, strange and different from ours.

With loads of excitement I opened it I was STUNNED,..... not only by the most prettiest of tissue wrapping, all smelling of honey, and herbs and wild flowers, but inside was the most divine 'Wood Cut Creation' called DREAM from my friend Katie, I was so THRILLED with her gift very much a 'Work of the Heart' thankyou so much Katie,x you are a superb artist, such a dear kind person, and so very gifted. I don't know how you manage to capture this 'moment in time' look and feeling into your special and beautiful creations, but you do.
What a wonderful day.....I'm off to do some dreaming xxx

Monday, November 19, 2007


In 1942 RKO Radio Pictures released 'Valley Of The Sun' a western comedy adventure staring Lucille Ball, John Craig, Cedric Hardwicke & Dean Jagger. This rare Publicity Press Still shows Lucille Ball carving the Thanksgiving Day dinner turkey between takes for Indian cast members Eliseo Concha & Adam Trujillo.

Wow, I have never seen this movie & being a Lucille Ball fan I will definitely be looking for this little gem.

Thanksgiving Day always brings memories of family & friends gathering around the scrumptious bountiful dinner table for Mom's favorite holiday comfort food delights. Juicy turkey, mushroom & turkey gravy, mushroom & French bread stuffing, buttered mashed potatoes, sweet potato au gratin, sliced string bean cheddar cheese casserole with crispy onion topping, red potato salad, deviled eggs, condiments of black & green olives, baby sliced dill pickles, iced celery & carrot sticks. Not to mention the deserts: pumpkin pie, apple pie, coffee cake with cinnamon sugared cream cheese icing. AND herbal teas & flavored coffees. Is your mouth watering yet?

Relaxing in the family room having cozy conversations with family & friends. Looking through family photo albums & reminiscing about the good & sad times we all shared together. Like Nat King Cole sings 'Unforgettable'...

Unfortunately my dear parents have passed away & so has some of my best friends. In their memory I will set a place at our table this year for them all with one empty chair, one empty plate & many lit candles. I will always treasure those memories & give thanks for the time I had with my sweet Mother & Father & wonderful friends.

May you all have a BLESSED & HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Lyndy

• 1 (9 inch) unbaked deep dish pie crust
• 3/4 cup white sugar
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
• 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
• 2 eggs
• 1 (15 ounce) can solid pack 100% pure pumpkin
• 1 (12 fluid ounce) can evaporated milk

1. Preheat oven to 425 F.
2. Combine sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger & cloves in small bowl. Beat eggs lightly in large bowl. Stir in pumpkin & sugar-spice mixture. Gradually stir in evaporated milk. Pour into pie shell.
3. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350 F.; bake for 40 to 50 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate. (Do not freeze as this will cause the crust to separate from the filling.)

*Bon Appétit & Happy Turkey Day!!!
Hot Comments

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nice day out..........

This is my small effort, compared to the florist below! Each year I try to beat nature and grow Paper White narcissus( they normally flower in October) for Yule, (thats our wedding anniversery) because I so love the fragrance mixed with Frankincense, wafting through the house, together with some quietly sung Celtic Motets and Carols, the resulting atmosphere is heady, but beautiful. I think I have done it this year (big smile) they are just peeping above the soil, so I will keep them nice and cool in the shadiest part of the garden and keep my fingers crossed.
The table is coming on really well .....honest!!

I bought these anemones, eucalyptus, and eucalyptus buds from this super florist, I got them home, and popped them in a glass vase on my shelf, I really like the frosty look of the leaves and buds, they go really well with my zinc candle thing and silver bits, they were wrapped really nice in brown paper with raffia, it was a really super treat.

There is this divine florist at Hebden Bridge, I just adore even being near her shop, she really inspires me to try harder. Outside the shop she had on display Christmas roses(hellebore) planted up with ivy and rosmary, and trailing herbs, in a bed of moss in huge zinc buckets, inside well.........just look at the photo's.

Monday, November 12, 2007


The Very Famous Veteran's Poem
By John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
AND danced the skies on laughter silvered wings;
Sunward, I've climbed & joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun split clouds & done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of wheeled & soared & swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along & flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I've topped the wind swept heights with easy grace,
Where never lark, or even eagle flew;
AND, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, & touched the face of God.

During the Battle of Britain, many Americans crossed the border into Canada to enlist with the Royal Canadian Air Force. They knowingly broke the law in order to fight Hitler's Germany. John Gillespie Magee, Jr., was just 18 years old when he entered flight training & was sent to England on June 30th 1941. On September 3rd 1941 Magee flew a Spitfire V test flight & was promoted to the rank of Pilot Officer, which inspired him to write his poem. That same day he wrote a letter to his parents which included this now famous poem. Three months later on December 11th 1941, (three days after the US entered the war & four days after Pearl Harbor), John Gillespie Magee, Jr., was killed in a midair accident over Britain. At an altitude of about 400 feet, his RCAF (Royal Canadian Air force) VZ-H Spitfire V collided in the clouds with a RAF (Royal Air Force) Oxford Trainer piloted by Ernest Aubrey Griffin who was also killed. John Gillespie Magee, Jr. was just 19 years old. His remains were buried at Scopwick, Lincolnshire County, England in the Scopwick War Graves section of the village churchyard cemetery.
*1 Photo John Gillespie Magee, Jr
*2 Photo John Gillespie Magee, Jr Headstone
*3 Photo Spitfire Fighters WWII

We wish all USA Veterans & our USA Troops everywhere our humble THANK YOU's for keeping us safe. Words cannot express what is in our hearts for those that loss their lives while serving in the USA armed forces. We send our prayers & condolences to the families who son's & daughter's gave the ultimate sacrifice.


© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Sunday, November 11, 2007

In Rehearsal

While Ive got my finger in various pies... I thought I would post a couple of quick rehearsal things. Im working on a martial arts theatre production, also a couple of upcoming shows at Heaven London, and possibly the Brickhouse again soon. I have an audition this weekend as well, so have been training a bit....also some other possibilities.

Heres a trick...

And a pic of my back balance

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Why? This is indeed a good question...asked by my ever patient husband when presented with my latest purchase. As I opened the boot of the car he stood looking at my beaming face full of the pleasure of my latest bargain, and can't bring that! into the house!!
'But it's a Normandy table' it's a fantastic buy £25.00 they were just giving it will look fantastic painted cream'...... not pausing to breath, and feeling a little worried, I looked into my beloved's face, with hope in my heart....go on (pleading look) ....please...(silly smile) it's a brilliant project!!!
It only took 8 days to assemble ( pause) it only took two packets of Caustic soda to clean it (bigger pause) and so far it has only taken me two week ends to paint it( not finished yet ,bigger pause) h'mmm.
I know I'm doing up the kitchen window( which is looking good), and I am also making Yule gifts, and I work full time, but come on, every girl needs a project to get her teeth into......doesn't she? Why don't husbands understand these huh!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Newspaper - Evening Standard London

Yesterday one of Londons biggest newspapers ran a pic of me with a revue for one of Londons new restaurants.

Here it is...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Performing at Brickhouse Restaurant London

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Last night I was invited to perform at The Brickhouse, London`s newest fine dining restaurant "with a twist".

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The restaurant is set over 3 levels which is perfect for aerial shows.

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I performed on aerial silk using the whole 8 or so meters, in a relaxed atmosphere set by the mood of the DJ, which was really well received by the crowd. The lighting was great and I will be back in the near future to do more.

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Making the most of moss........

In my lunch times I crave the open air and the peace and tranquility of water...near by is a Victorian Cemetery and lots of open land all tumbly beside a river, my escape!
I have discovered some old deserted buldings at the back of this land covered in mossy attributes, thick, damp and lush, I creep around gathering all my booty into plastic carrier bags, emerging from the cemetery like some nature obsessed bag lady, covered in grass stains, mud, and small twiglets, oh and cake crumbs(lunch), my hoard is enough to give me strange satisfied secret smiles all day....the students find this alarming... and tend to leave me well alone during these gathering times, (extra benefits Ha!)
Well it was Marja from 'Home from the heart' who suggested crowns to me well! huh! they are so hard to make honest............I need help now, has anyone got any ideas? That includes you too Marja!! oh and Jane can you help your flowers are simply divine?
Anyhow these are my efforts.............. I do rather like them even though they are a little( a lot) strange.
Hoping you all have a really super week xxx

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Amazing Ari performs at Circus - London

Here is some footage from last nights aerial ring show at Soho Revue Bars regular friday night event - Circus. It was also filmed by channel 4 in London which would be cool to see. This is from my little camera though.

I must say that doing this show was loads of fun and I love the track I performed to and have wanted to do it for a while. The crowd were really responsive and I had loads of great feedback.

Was another fun night there and successful show!

My arms are completely burned from the elbow rolls on the taped ring, but it was worth it!

Will post some pics when i get them.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


By Lyndy Ward

Light a candle & say a prayer,
The spirits are watching & they care,
Bless your departed loved ones each & every day,
AND you'll be blessed come what may...

*All Saint's Day, All Hallows, Hallowmas 'Hallows' meaning 'Saints' & 'Mas' meaning 'Mass', is a feast celebrated on November 1st or on the first Sunday after Pentecost in honor of all the Saints, known & unknown. Halloween is the day preceding it & is so named because it is 'The Eve of All Hallows'.

*All Saint's Day is also called All Soul's Day, a day to remember & offer prayers up on behalf of all of the faithful departed.

*And I heard a voice from heaven, saying, "Write, 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!'" "Yes," says the Spirit, "so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them."
Revelation 14:13

*Heavenly Blessings Be To All Our Dearly Departed Loved Ones*

11/01/07 Photo of a Heavenly Sunset on a crisp autumn day taken from our backyard.

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Gifts from the Heart.........

Some days bring the most delightful post, and today brought me this wonderful gift from Katie at
I have always visited Katies wonderful blogg and her shop 'Sparrows Cottage' and really loved the paper items and crafts that she creates, along with her beautifully written magical blog, so I wrote and asked to buy one of her lovely vintage style books.......we decided on a swop, mine hasn't arrived there yet...but it's in the post, any day now.. .Katie.
I know I can design and make, but it is so good to receive a handmade item that you have not had to design or create, it becomes a real treasure. Just like my needlework case from Gigibird at (Stella and Lynn), and now this wonderful book that I can spend hours just dwelling on what beautiful keepsakes to keep hidden in its pretty pages, all scented with herbs. I also think we see items we like and try to copy them or make somthing similar, it never seems to work for me, the item looses that special essence of the original creator, and is never quite the same, so I am sat looking at my wonderful book and listening to my other musical gift of Celtic Seasons, from Katie............ thinking it is truly a fabulous day.

I have been busy.....

Happy New Celtic Year, xxxxxxx
I have been busy making things, let me tell you what I have been doing..... the shoes are made of organza and felt, and machine embroidered, then cut out. They are have little vintage buttons, and the toe's of the shoes are filled with lavender and lemon verbena
I drew the little bird from a picture and put it onto a silk screen so I can print them now onto any fabric, so I have printed this one onto vintage French Hemp and stuffed it with herbs, rose petals, and lavender, oh and I added a little golden crown because he is a Wren the 'King of birds'.
Then I wrapped my hand made soaps (scented with patchouli and geranium) in tracing paper, adding a crown , and a wax seal. Finally I have taken to painting my old cheese boxes and filling them with treasures like ribbons and buttons, small gifts.
I hope you are all well, and content, and enjoying this strange weather we are having.
Hugs Lynn xx