Wednesday, November 28, 2007


AHHHHHHHH** Exciting memories! Ben Hur's famous chariot race & Charlton Heston one of my high school movie star heroes & graduation diploma presenters.

I've Been tagged by John Randall York & Carolee Clark, encouraging friends, accomplished artists & accomplished musician (JR) to write 5 Random Things about myself.

1. My Christmas water color painting of a log cabin, snow topped mountains, snow tipped pine trees & reindeer was chosen in my elementary school as the Principle's Award Winning Number One favorite art work of the year.

2. I started teaching piano at age eleven & skate boarded to my students houses with a briefcase filled with music books balanced on my head.

3. Charlton Heston was our High School's graduation commencement speaker because I was head of my senior class steering committee with my friend who's father's best friend was Charlton Heston & we begged Ben Hur himself. Very little begging, Moses AKA Chuck was thrilled.

4. Besides piano teaching, I did Paris Original runway modeling to pay my way through college. No, not in Paris, a term for high fashion five minute cat walks.

5. I was on the NBC reality TV show FANTASY, hosted by Peter Marshall & Leslie Uggams where I won a Lynda Carter Wonder Woman Look Alike contest.

1. Post these rules on your Blog.
2. Link to your Tagger. This is a wonderful PR tool for the GOOGLE search engines. HENCE THE NAME TAGGED! This reciprocating Tag means PR both ways, which in turn means more visitors & possibly more business for the entrepreneurs.
3. Share 5 facts about yourself on your Blog. Some facts can be random & some unusual. Sharing on Tagger's Blog is optional.
4. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their Blogs.
5. Let them know they are Tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.

*The INTERNET TAG GAME is a clever way to social network promotional (PR) links. It's a good thing!

*Remember if you keep getting tagged & you're very busy at least your RANDOM 5 are good to go again & again & again... Unless you want to add another Random 5 for each time you have been Tagged. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...

I have read some added Random 5's 'Part 2 Or More' & they were GREAT!

I've already met a wonderful author from this indexing & interesting game. So TAG ON EVERYONE, this really is the Internet's TELL A FRIEND!

Becky Federico
Carolee Clark
Jodi Creager
Johanna Parker
Suzanne Urban

Bloggers Just Want To Have Fun & Pass On Great PR, Lyndy

© 2007 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

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