Monday, May 25, 2009


*In love with a Jamaican actress , *His grouse with Nigerian women

He has been variously described as Nollywood’s playboy -a serial heartbreaker, one whose motto vis-a-vis relationships with women, appears to be “use them and leave them.” Tabloid stories about his sexual escapades are in volumes, leaving many to wonder what he is looking for in a woman or if he will ever find that unique woman who will melt his heart and make him entertain the thoughts of walking down the aisle.

During a recent encounter with Jim, in New York, the issue of his play-boy image and stories of his sexual liaisons were exhaustively probed. As reported before, he vehemently denied being a playboy, however, admitting that “a million women may pass through your life, but only one will stick and strike that chord in you.” It appears that that one woman may have finally materialized, and struck a strong chord in Jim Iyke’s life.
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There have been some rumors and published speculations that the handsome actor may have finally found a woman of his dreams - a fact that he has neither denied nor confirmed, until now. Jim Iyke was asked explicitly if he had finally found the elusive dream woman, and if so, what qualities stood her out of the numerous others that competed for his heart, love and affection?

Smiling infectiously, Jim volunteered, “I am going to tell you everything you need to know. As a matter of fact, I am going to use this opportunity to finally break my silence over this issue. As you rightly pointed out, a lot has been written about my new found love, most of them largely speculative in nature.
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“Yes, it is true. I have found the woman of my dreams, and we are in love in totality. She is the embodiment of all that I have been looking for: tall, pretty, exotic and supremely intelligent. I was looking for a woman who would complement and reinforce my intellectually curious mind -someone who would add and not subtract, and I’m happy to admit that I have finally found her. Her name is Phil, and I would leave it at that.”

How They Met

“I met Phil sometime last year in the United States. She’s of Caribbean ancestry - more specifically Jamaican. We had a movie shot in Baltimore and Phil was invited by her then friend, Ruth Okoro, to the set, and we had an instant connection. Initially, I thought I was just going to have a good time with her, and keep it moving.

But her beauty, intellect, deeply ingrained values and an abiding capacity to understand and deconstruct me struck me. No other woman I had met ever took time to learn who I was, and what elements and values define my entire being.

Phil’s love for me was not based on my fame, rather she cared much about Jim Iyke, as an individual and not Jim Iyke as a star-actor and Nollywood superstar.

I have always believed in the partnership of body, soul and the mind. Oftentimes, the women that crossed my path in the past were more interested in the partnership of the body. But Phil possesses both the intellectual ability and the traditional values that were in short supply with my recent past relationships.”
In the past few months, the tabloid newspapers had regaled their readers with the case of betrayal on the part of Jim’s new found love.

According to reports, “ Phil, supplanted and betrayed her close friend,- Ruth Okoro, who was said to be seeing Jim Iyke at the time she introduced her then best friend, Phil to the Nollywood Sexiest Actor.”
As a result of this betrayal, the two erstwhile friends are mortal enemies today. Asked if he ever had an affair with Ruth, Jim replied in the negative.

“No. Ruth is not my kind of woman, and the notion that I was seeing her is totally preposterous. How could I be seeing Ruth, when she was even married to my boy, Philips Ehigiwina? She was sleeping around with Emeka Ike. I have values and moral ethos, and those values were in conflict with what I was seeing.

That was the reason I called Ruth’s husband in Texas, and asked him to come to Maryland and see what his wife was doing with Emeka Ike.

Ruth was caught red handed in bed with Emeka Ike, and she knows this to be the truth. All the nonsense that was written about my alleged jealousy because Ruth was seeing both Emeka and me, were pieces of junk journalism. It is true that Ruth introduced me to Phil. I didn’t need to deny that.

I saw a winner in Phil and I went for her. I have no regrets. What Ruth wanted from me, unfortunately, I couldn’t give it to her because of the fact that I have some morals in me. All the negative things she has said about Phil never bothered me because I know who she is, and I am comfortable with who she is.”

Marital Plans

“Yes, we have discussed it. But we are taking it one at a time. I am actually at a point where starting a family is becoming an attractive proposition, and I am seriously exploring it. Phil and I have been to Nigeria. She has met with my parents and family members and they all love and adore her. Her values and background mirrors ours and it’s a great feeling. I would say that it appears as if we have the same DNA.”

Why Jamaican Woman?

“I have nothing against the Nigerian woman. As a matter of fact, I think some of the most beautiful women are in Nigeria, and indeed Africa in general. But I have made my choice, and my choice is a Jamaican woman, someone who has come to understand and appreciate me for who I am .

I do have my grouse with the Nigerian woman, though. Our women often go by the dictates and symbol of status, parental influence or pedigree as opposed to substance.

I struggle hard to make them understand who I am, but I am always unsuccessful. I am tired of that struggle. I have come to realize that it is better to deal with a foreign woman.

With our women, you struggle to define yourself. Foreign women are willing to take you for who you are, as opposed to what you are, which our women tend to emphasize.

If I am in a relationship with a Nigerian, and I am seen outside chatting up another girl - innocently, with no strings attached, I will have a lot of explanation to make to gain back her trust - even though I have nothing romantic to do with that woman.

It’s always a struggle to prove that you are not the person the society has defined you to be, and I am really tired of that struggle.”

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