Saturday, May 9, 2009


Mother's Day is celebrated in the United States each year on the second Sunday of May. Mother's Day is relatively modern, being created at the start of the 20th century & should not be confused with the early Pagan & Christian traditions honoring mothers, or with the 16th century celebration of Mothering Sunday, which is also known as Mother's Day in the UK.

Anna Marie Jarvis 1864-1948 ~ Founder Of Mother's Day

Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis 1832-1905
Anna's mother American Civil War Social Activist & mother of eleven

The holiday was created by Anna Jarvis as a day for each family to honor their mother. Mother's Day is celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers. Anna was twelve years old when Anna's mother said a class prayer in the presence of her daughter. "I hope that someone, sometime will found a memorial mother's day commemorating her for the matchless service she renders to humanity in every field of life. She is entitled to it." Anna never forgot this prayer. At her Mothers graveside service, she recalled the prayer & said, "By the grace of God, you shall have that Mother's Day."

On May 12, 1907, two years after Anna Jarvis' mother's death, she held a memorial to her mother & thereafter embarked upon a campaign to make 'Mother's Day' a recognized holiday. She succeeded in making this nationally recognized in 1914. The International Mother's Day Shrine was established in Grafton West Virginia to commemorate her accomplishment.

Unfortunately, By the 1920s, Anna Jarvis had become soured on the commercialization of the holiday. She incorporated herself as the Mother’s Day International Association, claimed copyright on the second Sunday of May & was once arrested for disturbing the peace. She & her sister Ellsinore spent their family inheritance campaigning against the holiday. Both died in poverty. Miss Jarvis' New York Times obituary said Anna had become embittered because too many people sent their mothers a printed greeting card. She said, "A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world. AND CANDY! You take a box to your mother & then eat most of it yourself. A pretty sentiment!" Anna Marie Jarvis never married & had no children.

Judy Theresa Lutton ~ My Mom in her prime talking to her mother on Mother's Day

Well, all I can tell you is my Mother 'Judy Lutton' loved her Mother's Day cards & gifts (Emeraude by Coty or Opium by YSL perfume). AND AS FOR CANDY... She insisted on a two pound box of her favorite See's Candies Dark Chocolates. That way if anyone ate her candy she would still have a pound all to herself.

Mom & yours truly at four years old on our ranch pasture with one of our beautiful Palomino horses Queenie 'Queen Of Gold'

My mother loved to dance, paint & her cooking was divine. Her parents (my grand parents) came through Ellis Island. They were hard working Polish & Russian immigrants opening up a little sidewalk food spot in Connecticut called Crystal Lake Sidewalk Cafe right on Crystal Lake. Mom & her three sisters were the waitresses. Mom met Dad at her family's little cafe & the rest is history. I guess you could say she waited on Dad & never stopped, LOL! Longing to be free & for the warm climate of California she & Dad 'Ray Lutton' ended up building their dream ranch in Woodland Hills California. Boy, I could ride a horse before I could swim. Those were the days when people could leave their doors & windows unlocked. Now your neighbors seem to lie in wait.

Mom, Dad (in his gardening clothes) & I on my 12th birthday with our darling silver French Poodles Mr. Lucky & Gidget

I miss my mother terribly. She was my best friend & always listened to the Perils of Lyndy. Happy Mother's Day in Heaven Mom! I think she & Dad are swinging on a moonbeam.

Hey new Mom's out there (being a piano teacher & music therapist myself) REMEMBER: You are your child's first teacher. So teach your children well! Especially, how to be kind & considerate to others. I'm a mother to my many fur babies which I love with all my heart.


~ Last But Never Least ~

WOWY WOW! I won this adorable OOAK 3D 'Ducks In A Row' 9 3/4" x 17" painting by a very talented kindred sister & friend Carrie Murtha. THANK YOU for the honor & liking my little remembrance of my sweet kitty Midnight. Carrie is a wonderful whimsical animal artist, animal lover & animal rescuer. To view her fabulous blog...
Just Click: Carrie Murtha ~ The SnipPets

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