Monday, May 11, 2009

JoJo Simmons "Walks the WRONG Way"

What did you do over the weekend? Spend time with the family, celebrate Mother's day, maybe even celebrated a birthday! I bet it wasn't as exciting as Lil JoJo Simmons weekend, YES Rev Runs oldest boy!!! For those of you who grew up in th urban community, we know that if you go to the "Weed Man," you leave that area IMMEDIATLY so that you dont get caught...

Well.... Saturday, May 9th the now 19-year old son of Rev Run got busted at the weed spot. Apparently he doesn’t know the proper way to purchase "Mary Jane," so he rolled a blunt right outside of the spot and that’s when police came up on him. WAIT.... it gets worse. Instead of getting arrested quietly, JoJo started acting up and had to be subdued by the police. I wonder did he yell "Dont tase me bro!!" ? He was arrested for possession, resisting arrest, attempted reckless endangerment, and criminal use of drug paraphenalia. I think Rev Run needs to do some more preaching.... or at least tell JoJo how to buy drugs!!!

I guess I wont be getting the new Team Blackout album no time soon... DARN IT!!!!!!!

~Mark Fresh

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