Thursday, January 31, 2008


Bachelor's Grove Cemetery famous ghost of a young woman on the gravestone.

This photograph appeared in both the Chicago Sun-Times & the National Examiner. It was taken during an investigation in Bachelor's Grove Cemetery on 8/10/1991 with a group of GRS Ghost Research Society members. The picture is an enlarged black & white infrared shot taken of an area where many of the group noticed something unusual with some of the equipment they used. It shows a young woman sitting on a gravestone with parts of her lower & upper body being somewhat semitransparent. The dress she is wearing is also out of date. It was taken by member Jude Huff-Felz.

Many Orbs at the Bachelor's Grove Cemetery entrance 9/16/2007

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Chicago Illinois, USA is rated as one of the top ten haunted cemeteries in America. This abandoned Chicago burial ground is the subject of numerous legends & ghostly tales. Hundreds of different reports of strange phenomena have been collected about the place. Including actual apparitions, unexplained sights, sounds & even glowing balls of light, misty orbs & vortexes.

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery Mist captured using a 35mm camera.

The haunted history of the place began in 1844 when the area was set aside as a burial ground, first called Everdon's. The cemetery saw its first burial that year & it was in steady use until 1965 when things began to drop off. It should be noted that the last actual burial there was in 1989, when the ashes of a local resident were interred on the grounds. However, before that time & since the place has been abandoned & vandalized. In the middle 1800s, the cemetery became known as Bachelor's Grove, although history is a bit cloudy as to how this name came about.

Bachelor's Grove Cemetery mist captured using a 35mm camera.

Today the Bachelor's Grove Restoration Project is in full swing & the community has come together bringing back the peace & harmony.

The lady sleeps! Oh, may her sleep,
Which is enduring, so be deep!
Heaven have her in its sacred keep!
This chamber changed for one more holy,
This bed for one more melancholy,
I pray to God that she may lie,
For ever with unopened eye,
While the pale sheeted ghosts go by!
The Sleeper's 3rd Verse

Blessings For Peace & Harmony Everywhere, Lyndy

© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I've been tagged......

My camera is having fits.....huh! so I have had to dig this tag picture up from the depths of my computer. They are some tags made from old blanket.
Donna at 'Made in Heaven' has tagged me,(I will get my own back He He!!) to tell 5 MORE things about here goes....
When I was a little girl, I was obsessed by wanting to be a nun...and spent many, many, months with an old white hand towel draped over my head and pinned under my chin.
This same little girl packed herself a few clothes and ran away from home....I was only 3 years old, can you believe!!
I have read every book Enid Blyton has ever written, I just loved her and love her still.
I cannot drive, I am very dangerous, I should come with a warning....truly.
I believe that as long as we love and remember the family and friends that have died, and think of them and talk to them...they will be with us forever.
Now ha! I shall be thinking of some victims who can also disclose some will be contacted prepared.
Lynn xx

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lovely weekend...........

Some weekends just turn out right......On Friday I treated myself to some very beautiful items from Katies blogg 'Home Keeping Hearts' for Valentines day. Katie produces the most divine ideas from paper, a medium I don't often work in, so I find it wonderful to be able to treat myself to something different, and beautiful. I also really like to buy handmade, or homemade, I have come to the decision that I would rather have less commercial items, and more handmade items, or vintage and recycled items.
I would imagine I am a bit late jumping on the bandwagon with this, and many of you already have this philosophy, so I'm sorry if you have heard it all before, but thats the way I am heading. Plus to be honest I don't have lots of spare cash, so it feels nice to support other artists with the little I have.

Well the weekend does get even better. On Saturday I was out running under heavy grey skies , and just as I was coming home......I spied a skip (always promising) and look what was being chucked into it!!....Screeching to a halt, I saw this rail of victorian coat hooks sticking out of the top.....I was so thrilled,..... the builder of course was also thrilled, because this mad! red faced sweaty woman was emptying his skip. He did try to get me to take an old bike and a garden gate...but I declined kindly and ran off with my booty.
As I am decorating my work room, (I have decided on French Grey this time)I thought the rail would come in just perfectly. I thought it would be just fine and dandy for hanging all my fabric and embroidery samples off, so I am very pleased. I did also extracted a nice old photo frame from the skip, so I have used that, for one of my Valentine's Day, print /embroiderys, that I have just finished. I embroidered the little heart in darning stitch, hope you like it...

I hope you have all had a super weekend too, doing just what you like.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gifts from Norway......

Oh just look at what was waiting for me when I got home weary and tired today.......

I had recently admired a vintage monogramme book of Beths...on one of her lovely posts on'My Little Footprints' that Beth had bought from a Fleamarket...... and then Beth so very generously photocopied both books and sent the pages together with this gorgeous parcel of Norwegian goodies to me!!. Not only that !! look she has embroidered my name beautifully :-) by hand, on my lovely hand made card. Where do you find the time Beth..... its stunning, thankyou

I am soooo thrilled I just want to start using them asap, I can't wait... thank you for all your wonderful inspiration Beth.xx

We are all so lucky having each other as blog friends.
There is always a smiling message to read, or a funny email from a dear sweet friend xx,
or a beautiful post to see, or some kind words to help to lift our spirit's in the bad times.
I count myself very very lucky to have started my blogg, because you all give me so much of your time, and you are to me, and each other, an absolute joy.....worldwide.
THANKYOU dear friends xx

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Light bringer

He is,
The darkness in disguise

Yet his,
Name summons the light.

Last to fade on morning tides
And first star on the spangled night.

Lover angel
Set upon the garden of delights,
Home of earthly paradise.

He does cry.
And from his tears his star will rise,
And set the truth ablaze in fire.

I call to thee son of my sun.
Know me
See me
My light begun

Monday, January 21, 2008


Exquisite Victorian Funeral Coach, Driver & Beautiful Black Friesian Horses. The Friesian Horse is also known to have been the breed that the Knights Templar choose to ride during Medieval Times.


Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labor, and my leisure too,
For his civility.

We passed the school, where children strove
At recess, in the ring;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.

Or rather, he passed us;
The dews grew quivering and chill,
For only gossamer my gown,
My tippet only tulle.

We paused before house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.

Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.


The Belle of Amherst Victorian American poet so alone, depressed & surreal.

Emily was talented & ignored in life. She lived a mostly introverted & reclusive life. A Marlene Dietrich if attention arrived, with melancholy in her lines yet lyric in her words.

Inspiring deep & dark contemplation, Miss Dickinson was a prolific private poet choosing to publish fewer than a dozen of her nearly eighteen hundred poems.

Interesting how life & death has come full circle for Miss Dickinson. With the old adage, 'History Repeats Itself' in Emily's last verse:

Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.

Fortunately for us her poems have been published through the last two centuries by her close friends & relatives.



Miss Dickinson was buried
at the West Cemetery,
Amherst, Hampshire County,
Massachusetts, USA.

Luck Is Not Chance, It's Toil; Fortune's Expensive Smile Is Earned!

Blessings Filled With Love & Inspiration, Lyndy

© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Anyone for Kansas.......

Oh this has been an awful week and weekend, weather wise lots of rain.....ugh.
So out we went, heading North, why not it may turn into snow if we go far enough (say's she hopefully!) Well we packed the car with a nice hot picnic. Chunky veggie soup, lots of chocolate type goodies, and warm snuggle blankets, and me wearing my new beret and sparkly cardigan (under a rather chunky coat I might add) we headed of to hunt Flea markets...........

........Look what I found, I am so thrilled a pair of 1950's wedge satin dancing shoes, and they fit me perfectly.... they have never been worn, and their lovely soles are leather and shiny clean.

I have always wanted a pair of red shoes.....I dreamed of them as a little girl, and now I have them. On Valentines day I shall use the same colour red nail polish on my toes, pop on my shoes and dance with my beloved husband, all night. Remembering however to be very careful and not tap my heels together three times......heaven knows where we might end up Ha Ha....

I hope you all have a super week , thanks for dropping by, hugs Lynn xx

Friday, January 18, 2008

I wanted to say a big thankyou......

I wanted to say a really big thank you 'THANK YOU' for the awards I seem to have collected from some very special people over the past couple of weeks. So I thought it show you who I am (very scary for me and you ha ha!) and to thank you in person.
This picture was taken last summer camping in the depths of the Highlands (so cold), my hair is not quite this dark, but looks it under the canvas, I used this one because I was really happy, I had just been swimming in a very, very, cold river (must be mad) and Adrian had cooked breakfast, so we sat amongst the bird song, watching the early milky sun climb into the sky, and dreamed of living a simple life.......

I have put a link for you to visit the wonderful Blogs below, just click on the Blog Names

Thank you Donna at Made in Heaven a twinkling lady full of fun .

Thank you My new friend in Norway at Bestemorhuset lots of pretty photo's.

Thank you dear Marja 'AHome From The Heart' my dear friend, who makes everything from her heart.

Thank you Anne at Hennas another dear friend who's wonderful outlook and creativity just inspires me through the week.

You all make my days special, and thank you for my lovely awards.
Lynn xxx

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


* Happy January Birthday To All The Creative CAPRICORN'S

* Click On Names For Fun Info & Commemorative Gifts *

* BETSY ROSS 01/01/1752
Seamstress who designed the first American flag.

* PAUL REVERE 01/01/1735
Patriot in the American Revolutionary War.

* J.R.R. TOLKIEN 01/03/1892
English Philologist & Author of 'Lord Of The Rings'.

English Dwarf who performed in P.T. Barnum's Circus.

* LOUIS BRAILLE 01/06/1809
Invented the world wide reading & writing system for the blind.

* KAHLIL GIBRAN 01/06/1883
Lebanese American Artist, Poet & Author of 'The Prophet'.

* JOAN OF ARC 01/06/1412
Catholic Saint disguised herself as a man to fight for France.

* JACK LONDON 01/12/1876
American adventurous Author & Novelist of 'Call Of The Wild'.

Doctor, Humanitarian & Noble Peace Prize Laureate.

* DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. 01/15/1925
Baptist Minister, Noble Peace Prize Laureate, Civil Rights Leader & Author of one of the most famous speeches 'I Have A Dream'.

AND that's only the first 15 day's of January...

'I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy & permanent planet.'
JACK LONDON 1876-1916

* LORI RUDOLPH a Capricorn & very talented Halloween artist friend of mine presented me with her always amazing OOAK 2007 Crazy Cats Horn. Just wanted to say Thank You again & Happy Birthday all month long!

I've purchased over a dozen more of Lori's SPOOKTACULAR Black Cat Papier-Mâché Art Work that will be presented in my Black Cat Halloween Fantasy Art Book, which is in progress.

* A Beautiful Art Book Because Of All The Beautiful Art Within *


© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Shoot

Got these the other day from a shoot I did with Alex Winn. Very cool photographer in London. Check out his page...

I was really happy with the way Alex captured my ideas and let the spirit speak for itself in the pics.

Ive got another shoot this weekend with a photographer in Cardiff. Have an idea I have wanted to create for ages.. will keep u posted on that.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sharing my daydreams..........

Planning my colour charts one
Planning my colour charts two
I thought today you may like to see how I begin to plan a new project. I do this when I am trying to inspire myself to make something new, or to decorate, or to find new colours, its my little bit of research.
I always begin with a nice piece of card folded so that it can be opened and decorated on the inside, as well as the outside. I think it is so important that what you are being inspired by is as beautiful as you can make it. Select a theme that is either 'current' or 'close to your heart' and begin to collect images...from anywhere, but never use anything unless it is perfect !!! this is important, if you compromise now you will never achieve the best of things.
Make your collage of pictures, then fold it up and put it away for at least two or three days, it is important to look at it always with a fresh eye.
When you return to it, only select from it the colours, shapes and textures that give you a nice feeling, that make you excited, and happy. Then begin to add them using colour chips from paint charts, then gradually you add your fabrics.
From this chart you will accumulate new images and ideas for fresh projects, you can follow with your heart, and know they are truly from your dreams and are what you desire. We cannot be continually inspired from nothing, it would be too draining, or we would just end up making poor copies of other peoples work. Nothing is new ! but at least this way you will achieve something that is truly your own.
I hope this helps, I'm no great famous designer at the end of the day...Ha! but I have found these little methods work and inspire and help me through the tough days.
Have a great week my friends, thanks for visiting me, and I can't wait to visit all of you, you brighten my days and lift my heart always. xxx
PS Just click on the images with your mouse to enlarge them so you can see them properly.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year (on the Roman Calender)

Ok, so Im back in London from Ireland. My shows there went really well and I managed to do a tarot gig for new years eve as well. Think I will be back doing more in the future.

I have such a love affair with Ireland, for many reasons!

Ive just finished another track which is on my myspace music page called " Future Thunder Fire"... Im happy with it. i think my music is evolving, much like me.

So, what the new year holds for me Im not sure.... shows, music, travel.... work work work!


I'm very honored & excited that I was awarded a beautiful OOAK Art Work for participating in the fun SANTA CLAUS FEST.
This absolutely beautiful 'FLY ME TO THE MOON' Gothic Arch is an Original One Of A Kind (OOAK) Art Work by the very talented HERMINE KOSTER all the way from The Netherlands.

Dear Santa & Santa's Helpers,TINA, BELINDA & HERMINE; the originators of the International Internet Santa Claus Fest 2007. This was so much fun & I can't wait for the next Santa Claus Fest 2008.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU ALL! What a great way to start a wonderful New Year!!!

Dear Hermine, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love your 'FLY ME TO THE MOON' Gothic Arch Art Work. It's so MAGICKAL!!!



© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~