Friday, January 18, 2008

I wanted to say a big thankyou......

I wanted to say a really big thank you 'THANK YOU' for the awards I seem to have collected from some very special people over the past couple of weeks. So I thought it show you who I am (very scary for me and you ha ha!) and to thank you in person.
This picture was taken last summer camping in the depths of the Highlands (so cold), my hair is not quite this dark, but looks it under the canvas, I used this one because I was really happy, I had just been swimming in a very, very, cold river (must be mad) and Adrian had cooked breakfast, so we sat amongst the bird song, watching the early milky sun climb into the sky, and dreamed of living a simple life.......

I have put a link for you to visit the wonderful Blogs below, just click on the Blog Names

Thank you Donna at Made in Heaven a twinkling lady full of fun .

Thank you My new friend in Norway at Bestemorhuset lots of pretty photo's.

Thank you dear Marja 'AHome From The Heart' my dear friend, who makes everything from her heart.

Thank you Anne at Hennas another dear friend who's wonderful outlook and creativity just inspires me through the week.

You all make my days special, and thank you for my lovely awards.
Lynn xxx

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