Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A door in time......

I'm sorry ....more sewing,... I'm feeling much better though, thankyou for all your really lovely get well messages, gosh they cheered me up.

I thought my wardrobe could do with smelling fresher, mmmm, so I set about making a new herb sachet. I had some bits of fabric from some practice printing I had done before christmas, and because I have had lots of time, I was able to indulge myself with a little trapunto embroidery, over the organza and silk. My theme was from a song written by 'Silver on the Tree' ' I am a wren the King of birds', so I made my wren a 'king' sat in his own tree. Ive stuffed it with soft merino fleece, and added wormwood(to stop moths) then my favorite neroli, grapefruit, and geranium, it does smell nice.

I took two photos so you could see some of the inside of my wardrobe, I always decorate the inside of my cupboards exactly how I would dream them to be... I like to pretend like 'The Lion ,The Witch and The Wardrobe, that maybe there is a secret entrance to some beautiful palace, and if I ever had the need to go there, then I could just vanish.......

I think it comes from being a little girl and playing houses in our wardrobes, and hiding in cupboards.......we don't ever really grow up do we!

Hope you are all having a good start to the week.

Hugs Lynn xx

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