Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I've been tagged......

My camera is having fits.....huh! so I have had to dig this tag picture up from the depths of my computer. They are some tags made from old blanket.
Donna at 'Made in Heaven' has tagged me,(I will get my own back He He!!) to tell 5 MORE things about myself....so here goes....
When I was a little girl, I was obsessed by wanting to be a nun...and spent many, many, months with an old white hand towel draped over my head and pinned under my chin.
This same little girl packed herself a few clothes and ran away from home....I was only 3 years old, can you believe!!
I have read every book Enid Blyton has ever written, I just loved her and love her still.
I cannot drive, I am very dangerous, I should come with a warning....truly.
I believe that as long as we love and remember the family and friends that have died, and think of them and talk to them...they will be with us forever.
Now ha! I shall be thinking of some victims who can also disclose some secrets...you will be contacted shortly...be prepared.
Lynn xx

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