Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dress Well For The Sake Of Your Happiness

Ok, so a lot of people wonder why I'm so obsessed with clothes and the exterior and the way people present themselves, and I just wanted to explain why I think the way I do, and why you should always go that extra mile when you get dressed as well.

I like to think of my appearance as a direct reflection of how I'm feeling that day, or better yet, how I want to feel that day. We all have those days when we feel like crap and don't feel like doing anything but throwing on sweats and calling it a day. But let's think about those we ever experience anything memorable on these days? When we throw on our sweats, do people smile at us as much? Or do we even hold your head up high so people can smile at us? Probably not. When you take the extra 5 mins to actually put some thought into the way you present yourself to the world it makes your day go better. Point blank period. Even if you were in a shitty mood before, once you get dressed and actually like the way you look, you can't help but to be in a good mood and therefore attracting nothing but positive situations to you for the entire day.

Some people will try to deny the fact that appearance is taking into account when deciding whether they like someone or not (and not necessarily romantically, but just socially). But I know for sure that on my more attractive days, a lot more opportunities are presented to me, and people are just plain nicer. Whether it's at a job, at school, or just walking through the mall...test out the differences in the way your treated when you actually put effort into the way you look, and then when you just roll out of bed.

So I would say my obsession with image goes way beyond clothes and make-up, those are just tools to help put together the bigger picture, and that bigger picture is happiness.

-Doni W. (In the Pursuit of Happiness)

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