Saturday, October 11, 2008


Campaigns have passed, millions have been spent on back lashing Tv Ads without sanctity.
Now whats upon us is the moment of truth,scheduled for Tuesday November 4, 2008.
Like a Drama class, the Stage is set, Curtains about roll,now who is the antagonist and protagonist?. We are yet to see!!!.
Not that my opinion counts much but i belong in the OBAMA NATION and No, not because am AFRICAN (needless to say?).
Am i the only one who is sick of these whining malcontent opposition supporters( republicans)labeling the surge of MR OBAMA as affirmative action spin-off?, Give me a break. .......Barack Obama is a set of fine specimen of a good president with solid knowledge any world leader can boast of. Prejudice and racism have plagued the minds of many Americans well enough that they paint anything black(literally) when out of their inclination,with disregard for factual evidences. Well, i dont know about angels but its FEAR that give MEN( republicans) wings. Its amazing There hasn't been enough honest conversation in this country regarding race, prejudice, and the fallout those prejudices have on our country. It amazes me that we discuss on our dinning tables in this country whether or not a woman can be president. Does anyone remember Margaret Thatcher? She was hard as Iron and helped U.S to "win" the Cold War through Ronald Reagan's policies of deterrence against the Soviets. Yet we still question a woman's qualifications when it comes to leading a nation. I feel that this country is probably 10 to 20 years away from looking past race when it comes to electing a person to the White house. It's clear the tide is turning when examing Obama's support across the country. You could also argue that Obama is a "safe" candidate and non-threatening. The love is in the air!!!
But while we are on the issue though, lets take a look at Obamas accolades in a scan

Columbia University

B.A. Political Science

Major International Relations Thesis topic: Soviet nuclear disarmament

Harvard Law School

J.D. magna cum laude 1988-1991

Elected President, Harvard Law Review

1983-1988 Director of the Developing Communities Project

1993-2004 Senior Lecturer in Constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School

Illinois Senator 1996-2004

Chairman, Health and Human Services Committee

United States Senator 2004-present

Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs

Member, Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Member, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs .

In comparison, McCain does not match toe-to-toe, however, he has over 100years(lol) or so in the Senate with a wealth of more experience. Fine, granted experience isn't everything and is only part of the equation, but more than anything I don't see this as a well presidential determinant. Obama still has the Means to bring us the CHNAGE that McCains 100yrs experience hasn't brought ashore.

Whethere Obama is running on empty promises and feel good rhetoric or not, Its TIME we CHANGE the whiteHouse, and my brothers and sisters.....YES WE CAN!!!

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