Friday, August 8, 2008

Poor Madonna

Either Madonna has some really bad karma, or a lot of people have been drinking too much haterade because Maddy has been getting nothing but bad press lately. Check her out on the cover of this months New York Magazine with her business all out in the streets. This is just wrong, you don't put the Queen of all Queens out there like that. She is turning 50, she has the right to get a little nip/tuck...she's earned it! And if she has gone under the knife, she's gone under one of the best knives around because she doesn't look half as bad as other celebs.

Even Queen M's own brother has it out for her with his tell all book "Life With My Sister Madonna" (what a creative title). He basically says she thinks she's the center of the universe, and she doesn't really help out the family, and that Guy Ritchie (maddy's husband) is anti-gay...and Madonna's brother is oh so gay. Talk about a stab in the back. Madonna better find out how she attracted all this negativity in her life and ask Kabbalah to help her get it right.

Guess the 4 minutes didn't come in handy :-(

-Doni W.

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