Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two new faces

The winds just blew in two young faeries. They brought with them light summer rains
from the heavenlies to drench our garden's young crops looking for a respite
from the hot August sun.

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The younger one appears to be so serious. This little faerie has some big thoughts on her mind and has not shared them with me...yet.

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The other little girl already carries a large mother's heart in her breast.
Every fragile, delicate, and vulnerable creature that might happen
to cross her path will be cared for tenderly...

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and protected...

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The older child in a white tulle scarf (until they are given their hair)
has deep blue, German glass eyes
while the younger child in green tulle is totally sculpted.
Now, for the rest of their story...please visit again!

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thank you for visting, Rose

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