Sunday, September 7, 2008

Are we not fantastic in adversity..........

A dress made from fabric maps.........

A make do and mend nightdress ...........

I have been looking through my research done at the Worthing Museum on 'Make Do and Mend' clothes, made during war time. I still find the clothing amazing, box upon box of creative and beautiful items made by women from scraps of nothing, from silk parachutes, from old curtains, fabric maps, anything. How very creative is this? Don't forget how these women lived, how they battled for the home, for the family, how they carried the weight of everything on their shoulders, and yet look at what they made.............
I wonder somtimes what I am doing, what I waste, and what I battle for...can I really compare...I don't know, I truly don't. But these women...this I admire!!!

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