CN: What attracted/inspired you to designing?
RP: I've always noticed fashion... and not just "American" Fashion, but I've been into clothes from all over the world. Plus, I'm an artist... not the cocky way that people say whenever they create something whack.. I literally do art and I go to school for art. However, I'm not into gallery/traditional art.. I respect it, but it's just not my thing. On the other hand, I love fashion and clothes.. so designing clothes, to me, is the best of both worlds.
CN: Why did you choose Identical Variant as the name of the company?
RP: I came up with the idea of the clothing line first... i was thinking something along the lines of the human population as a whole are pretty much an identical species.. for the most part everybody has 2 arms, 2, legs, 1 head, etc etc. I know there are exceptions to that but work with it.. However, everybody are individuals.. there is no one person out there that is EXACTLY like somebody else.. even mirror twins are not the same person.. so with that idea in mind.. i was thinking, "i need a hot idea that means the same difference... same difference.. hmm?" and it was almost named that.. but then i whipped out that thesaurus and looked up some more words to work for that.. i prolly had about 60+ ideas for a name, but Identical Variant just flowed the best.
CN: Are you a one-man army or do you have a right hand man?
RP: I have a partner, Marcus Owens. I have a small staff.. Sean Mack a.k.a. Smack (, William Ketchum ( and Brandi Keeler. Plus, our I.V. Angels.. Tatiana, Bionce, Kiera, and Larhonda.
CN: Do you plan on expanding the company(i.e. designing jeans, hoodies, hats, etc.)?
RP: Oh yeah, we're trying to hit all the areas of fashion.. plus expand out further like skateboards, art, etc.
CN: What does an I.V. guy/girl look like?
RP: An I.V. girl or guy is that person you see from time to time and you think to yourself "that *insert clothing type here* is hard. Where did they get that from?" Plus, they are humble/cool enough for you to ask them.. and they'll tell you.
CN: Is there someone is the fashion industry that you look up to? If so, why?
RP: Paul Budnitz, he's the guy behind KidRobot ( When i look at it.. I'm like the younger version of him.. he's the artist turned clothing designer that blew up FAST.. he opened up the kidrobot clothing line in 2006 and he's already in stores all around the world.. but still rare.. i think the only place.. in Michigan to find it is Burn Rubber.
RP: I want to leave people with a sense of "i got to have more of this" especially, with everything being so rare.. whenever we make something at Identical Variant.. that's the only time we'll EVER make it.. these clothes are like collectors items.. so if you miss something.. (like the I.V. Ninja Girl Tank Tops) it's gone.
So there's the scoop on Randall and Identical Variant. If you want to order any of his cool tee's and tanks visit
Get into it.
-Christopher Nic.
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