Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some of Those who Live with Us

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"Toot" is the King of all Animals here at the farm.

He rules from my studio with his friend Merry. He also has a breezy condo

out on our front porch where he gets fresh air on suitable days to improve his constitution.

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Many animals have found their way here to our old farm, and somehow
the menagerie all manage to get along together.
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With a little emphatic encouragement from a very protective muscovey mother...

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Maggie is a rescued pup from a puppy mill and she has had lots to learn...

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about not chasing the hens...

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or especially the old cats...

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So she just picks on Belle, our other little dog who has had a lot to learn.

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Belle is a long haired dachshund flown in from Connecticut as a birthday present from my sister Marilyn. She has learned to not even look temptation in the eye. She saves her
lightening quick chasing instincts for the racoons who make the mistake of
coming around here at night.

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This is one of our many cats that my husband and oldest son harbors protectively.
We have no problem with mice or river rats...at all...they don't even bother coming around
much anymore unless it is in my fairytale*ish flights of imagination.

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Here you see our roving troupe of guinea hens with their new 2008 offspring.
They eat, sleep, gossip, and busily run about as a group. Always as a group.
They sleep in a tree right outside our bedroom window...as a group. And have endured 100 mph hurricane winds huddled up together on their branches.
We have few mosquitoes and flies because of our birds.
They spend a good part of their days looking for them. As a group.

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Our small flock of muscovey ducks have kept our garden totally free of slugs. So long as we can
keep the ducks away from our green bean plants!
Muscoveys do not quack, but use extensive body language to communicate.
They are so good at their body language that everyone who lives here knows exactly what
it is they are saying to one another and to the rest of us.
Since our racoon episodes this summer, they have taken to sleeping right outside
our kitchen door, leaving their green bean droppings for any unwary, groggy,
wandering foot just stepping outside in the morning.

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"Buster" is an ancient soul.
One day about 10 years ago he wandered into our back porch, looking for a comfortable place to bed down for the night. He decided to stay, and has been with us ever since.
We think he was quite old even way back then...
But he has been the best farm dog anyone could ever have.
Faithful, friendly to children, animal or fowl. Relentless to cyotes and any other predators that might attempt to threaten his flock.
Here he is guarding my only flower bed.
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Toot, Merry and Star on the front porch condo on a lazy summer day.
Toot is the handsome one at the bottom of the picture.

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Toot cleaning my new baby rabbit, "Bootsie".
Her mama kicked her out of the nest right into my studio.
She is learning to submit to bath day.

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"Bootsie" being a baby rabbit...irresistable.
I hope you have enjoyed meeting just a few of the animals who let us live with them.
They are God's gift to us, and are truly vitamins to my soul.
Thank you for visiting us, Rose

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