Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Go GaGa


-Doni W.

Some of Those who Live with Us

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"Toot" is the King of all Animals here at the farm.

He rules from my studio with his friend Merry. He also has a breezy condo

out on our front porch where he gets fresh air on suitable days to improve his constitution.

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Many animals have found their way here to our old farm, and somehow
the menagerie all manage to get along together.
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With a little emphatic encouragement from a very protective muscovey mother...

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Maggie is a rescued pup from a puppy mill and she has had lots to learn...

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about not chasing the hens...

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or especially the old cats...

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So she just picks on Belle, our other little dog who has had a lot to learn.

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Belle is a long haired dachshund flown in from Connecticut as a birthday present from my sister Marilyn. She has learned to not even look temptation in the eye. She saves her
lightening quick chasing instincts for the racoons who make the mistake of
coming around here at night.

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This is one of our many cats that my husband and oldest son harbors protectively.
We have no problem with mice or river rats...at all...they don't even bother coming around
much anymore unless it is in my fairytale*ish flights of imagination.

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Here you see our roving troupe of guinea hens with their new 2008 offspring.
They eat, sleep, gossip, and busily run about as a group. Always as a group.
They sleep in a tree right outside our bedroom window...as a group. And have endured 100 mph hurricane winds huddled up together on their branches.
We have few mosquitoes and flies because of our birds.
They spend a good part of their days looking for them. As a group.

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Our small flock of muscovey ducks have kept our garden totally free of slugs. So long as we can
keep the ducks away from our green bean plants!
Muscoveys do not quack, but use extensive body language to communicate.
They are so good at their body language that everyone who lives here knows exactly what
it is they are saying to one another and to the rest of us.
Since our racoon episodes this summer, they have taken to sleeping right outside
our kitchen door, leaving their green bean droppings for any unwary, groggy,
wandering foot just stepping outside in the morning.

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"Buster" is an ancient soul.
One day about 10 years ago he wandered into our back porch, looking for a comfortable place to bed down for the night. He decided to stay, and has been with us ever since.
We think he was quite old even way back then...
But he has been the best farm dog anyone could ever have.
Faithful, friendly to children, animal or fowl. Relentless to cyotes and any other predators that might attempt to threaten his flock.
Here he is guarding my only flower bed.
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Toot, Merry and Star on the front porch condo on a lazy summer day.
Toot is the handsome one at the bottom of the picture.

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Toot cleaning my new baby rabbit, "Bootsie".
Her mama kicked her out of the nest right into my studio.
She is learning to submit to bath day.

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"Bootsie" being a baby rabbit...irresistable.
I hope you have enjoyed meeting just a few of the animals who let us live with them.
They are God's gift to us, and are truly vitamins to my soul.
Thank you for visiting us, Rose


Where the heck was I when Tyra took this picture on Cycle 10 of ANTM???
The picture says it all...

Enough said.

-Christopher Nic.

Genevieve nollywood sexiest chick

Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comGenevieve)
HORREY my girl Genevieve Nnaji was crown the sexiest woman in Nollywood, SECOND place was Ini Edo, THIRD place was Mercy Johnson………DAMN I’M ASKING MYSELF WHERE THE HELL IS RITA DOMINIC? AND OMOTOLA
Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comIni Edo
Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comMercy Johnson)
The vote came from united state, Italy, denmark, Austria, south Korean, Ghana, ivory coast and many other countries. Genevieve, keep doing what u do best..... of all those beauties in Nigeria n u came number one……..u must be lucky ma………….Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comRITA DOMINIC


Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comJennifer Hudson without makeup

Damn....... people talking about jhou online.. gosh...... ur leave her alone, I think she'S A cool CHICK. JHOU doesn’t have to wear makeup everyday... let her face breath PEOPLE lol.


Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comI love New York, but come on girl......... you need to find a new makeup artist....


“If you don't have enemies, you don't have character.”
January 26, 1925 ~ September 26, 2008

Paul Newman, American Actor, Film Director, Entrepreneur, Humanitarian & Auto Racing Enthusiast. Paul was 83 when he passed away Friday at his longtime farmhouse in Westport Connecticut. Paul died of complications arising from lung cancer. His family & close friends were by his side.

The Color Of Money

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
The Hustler
Cool Hand Luke
Absence Of Malice
The Verdict
Nobody's Fool
The Road To Perdition

Rachel, Rachel
Food line started in 1982 with salad dressing. Later added popcorn, salsa, marinades, spaghetti sauce, lemonade, cereal & steak sauce. Generated more than $220 million in donations for charities.

Founded camps for severely ill children & a foundation to fight drug abuse. Most notable, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp a no fee camp for children with cancer & serious blood diseases.


January 29, 1958 to the beautiful Oscar winner Joanne Woodward, making this one of the longest Hollywood marriages on record.

Paul's secret for never straying: "I have steak at home! Why should I go out for a hamburger?" 

Paul Newman was color blind, which prevented him from becoming a Navy pilot in World War Two. 

Paul was on Richard Nixon's 'Enemies List' for supporting Liberal Democrat Eugene McCarthy in 1968 presidential election.

Paul called it: "The highest single honor I've ever received." 

Inspired by his starring role in 'Winning' in 1969. Paul's first professional race was in 1972. He continued competing into his 70s.

Major practical joker, he once cut director George Roy Hill's desk in half with a chainsaw. Paul put 300 chicks into director Robert Altman's trailer.

Paul's first movie role, 'The Silver Chalice' 1954. He took out a full-page ad in the Hollywood Variety newspaper to apologize.

Road To Perdition 2002. Paul played a gangster opposite Tom Hanks, he was nominated for an Oscar. He told ABC in 2007 that his acting career was essentially over. "I'm not able to work any more as an actor at the level I would want to ... so that's pretty much a closed book for me."

My personal favorite Paul Newman & Robert Redford movie.
With Katharine Ross as Etta Place

Paul Newman's legacy will always be that he was a gorgeous talented giving movie star, an Original One Of A Kind (OOAK) amazing man & incredible Hollywood legend. He will be greatly missed...

Our Prayers & Condolences go out to Paul Newman's Family & Friends.
Blessings Always, Lyndy Ward

© 2007 ~ 2008 Todaysgold Publications ~ All Rights Reserved ~

Monday, September 29, 2008

Did You See???

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the proper way to step out for a quick bite to eat, a real quick bite to eat, like KFC bite to eat. Rihanna and Chris were seen making a quick detour to visit Colonel Sanders in Hollywood and I swear this could easily be an spread in Vogue...

Look at this mug...

Somebody please find me that skirt.
11 herbs and spices never looked so hawt!

-Doni W.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Up Next: The Boy Illinois

I'll be the first to say that I'm very selective about the type of music I listen to... especially when it comes to hip-hop. Not all rappers are actually "rappers", but that's definitely not the case here. The Boy Illinois from (obviously) Chicago is not only someone who I listen to on the regular...but he's also my blood cousin(which is probably one of his best assets...a fly ass cousin, lol). He's been working really hard in the studio and has now released a mixtape, Inhale Part 1 : State Representative which can be downloaded here. I would say my favorite tracks are, the Intro, One Love, and the freestyle to Stronger. There's also a song dedicated to the die hard Rich Young fanatics (which he is) called Rich Young Society...Fab you need to pay this man for that. But please don't get my fam twisted with the millions of other unsigned artists out right now, he doesn't just put out mixtapes, he gives you videos too...a pretty good one I might add. Ok Ok, I gotta quit gasing him up it just doesn't feel normal, lol. No but seriously make sure you download the mixtape and check out the video.

The Boy Illinois - One Love from G o D Jewels on Vimeo.

One Love

-Doni W.

Edinburgh Aerial and Acro Convention

I was invited to Edinburgh Scotland a couple of weeks ago to teach aerial silk and trapeze to other aerialists from all over. Was great to meet some lovely people and help them do a heap of new tricks!

I did some acro yoga which was fun and trained quite hard while I was there. Even learned a thing or 2 myself.

New show pics from Vauxhallville

I have performed aerial ring a couple of times recently. 1 was at the V.i.P area of Heaven London and the the second was at Vauhallville Caberet at the vauxhall tavern in London.

The pics didnt really turn out from heaven, but here are a few from Vauxhall. It was great to go up to live classical music and work with it. Was really well recieved.

Ive been busy lately with teaching stuff and rehearsals and have some exciting projects coming up.


Some new pics from Manchester Show

Stop the clocks.....

I love these textures

More sewing for the fayre

Yet more sewing for the fayre

Chocolate mousse for tea I think......

Lovely old brioche tins

My beautiful gift from Lisa

I just adored the wrapping

Where does the weekend go???

I am busy sewing all the time now, for the fayre, it's good fun , BUT...my house is a tip..and I am wearing the most odd clothing combinations...it's whatever comes out of the wardrobe first, Hubie is doing his best to ignore the pins in his heels, ( I must be more careful) and there are cotton trails all over the carpets, then there are the rather strange cobbled together meals we have taken to eating. Does anyone else have these problems!!! Any advice that you can give will be gratefully accepted.....

I am so thrilled with my beautiful gift from Lisa Hannah Moth to Flame Studio the Maddona cards are so gorgeous, just my thing, thankyou so much Lisa and I just adored the way they were wrapped, have a look at Laura's Etsy pages they are really pretty.

I hope you all have the most peaceful and magical week..... Me too in my dreams........ Love and Hugs Lynn xxx

Saturday, September 27, 2008


The wind whirls, weaving the thundering jungle of thick forest.
It feels like am slipping on to a soft bed of white roses. Petals trickling across her skin, coats the world like cookies and cream in warmed up chocolate.
An amazing silence when she passes, like a Mozart interlude in an orchestral symphony.
The deep bronze ridges of her hair, complimenting the existence of her skin. In my mind, a dark brown figure.
So much to decipher, i hope my pen doesn't fail me though.

In your likeness God must have performed. Deep down in the recesses of my thoughts, i see a black woman, composed in the face of indigenous resemblance. A fine beauty mist of morning dew, they seem to take shape on a teetering see-saw.

I find myself on it.

Her words bold and strong that they seem to have a heartbeat on its own.
The heartbeat pounds and you twist, her will so mighty it eclipses like a thick clouds of volcanic eruption.

Many male cardboard cut-outs no-goods consider you treasure, Nevertheless,manifest plans to fibrillate your heart tempo, but you never flinch.

This is where i find my self Lost.

Like a spring shower on a sunny day where there aren't any clouds in the blue sky, you are hard to seek after,

Sometimes i wish you were claustrophobic, so i could find you out and slip out of stage into your life. Sooner than it happened.

Me and luck are now on talking terms.

Okay..Guys, i found this in my IN BOX, addressed from an anonymous sender to me.
For some strange reason, this didn't land in my SPAM BOX, hence i opened it.
Albeit, i decided to post it here.
What do y'all think?....i know the rationale of the poem is a bit weird, having no clue who would write this piece to me. I couldn't catch the hidden message.
So y'all comment. As for the sender, please come out the closet!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Now I see exactly what Diddy was talking about when he went off on her on the show. This is just real triflin...I really can't think of a more polite way to say it. She looks high, her lips look like they were plumped right before she got there, and is that a lace front wig?? It's just a really bad reflection on the group. I mean we know you can't sing Aubrey but this isn't the way to make up for it.

Prime example of celebrity emptiness and insecurities...smh

-Doni W.

Be Careful At The Polls

Do NOT wear ANY Obama gear (shirts, hats, pins, ect.) to the polls! It is considered campaigning and they WILL NOT let you vote! This is a law they are counting on us not knowing, so SPREAD THE WORD!!!

-Doni W.

Karl's Got The Key To The Cure

For all of us who love Karl Lagerfeld but could never afford anything he puts his hands on...HERE'S OUR CHANCE. Karl has teamed up with Saks and designed a shirt available exclusively at Saks to help aid the fight against women's cancers. The shirt is available October 1st. So not only can you say you have a shirt designed by Karl Lagerfeld, you can also say that you gave to a good cause.

Visit Saks.com/kttc for more info

-Doni W.

Kanye West's Alligator Boots

I swear I love Kanye, he's the only person that would think to come out with the hip hop version of the muppet babies. I'm sure it's gonna be hilarious.

-Doni W.

Ad of The Week

Thank God Iceberg got rid of Mischa Barton, she just doesn't do it for me. Now they have Amber Valleta and she's looking pretty striking in this fall ad campaign. Not sure if I'd buy that purse, but I like the ad as a whole.

-Doni W.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

T.I Wins $10k Childsupport Battle

....Okay 50cents yaks about writing a "check before the baby comes who the #$#BEEEP#@ cares"...

Well needless to say, T.I cares so much. T.I the rapper today was just ordered to pay $3,000 per month to his baby mama to help support their two kids... BUT Baby mama LaShon Dixon was bidding for a whopping $10,000per month, $8K more than the $2,000 check he currently writes her.
I guess that saves T.I some cash to settle his Lawyers.
And yes is fresh out of the state building, incase you just woke up today from coma.(lol)

Well to 5cent, we know you're stinky rich, so next time write the check before the BABY IS MADE. YES!!!

Africa's top 10 Sexiest Men

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Ngo Okafor is a multifaceted player. With a strong modeling career in his resume, this handsome brother also has movie and television credits, a workout video, and modeling teaching aids on his website. He is probably the most downloaded brother in the myspace universe, but looking at him, we understand why. What do you think? Agree with our choices? Have others you would have added to the list? Please let us know. Also stay tuned for our next publication when we feature the top 10 sexiest women!
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2. Boris Kodjoe
Boris Kodjoe played tennis professionally in Germany, modeled, and has acted in several movies. We have seen him in The Gospel, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, and on the television series, Soul Food. He is unveiling a new line of clothing for the discriminating man of good taste, and has graced the cover of Ebony Magazine's celebration of the Black Father. All this and he still has time to look good!

3.Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com Idris Elba
Sierra Leone/Ghana
Idris Elba is a great actor who has made us feel the pain and horror of the Rwandese genocide, the agony of a father, and the powerful, hypnotic, sexual charisma of a FINE brother! He can also get you to dance as he spins records in his gigs as a deejay. Watching him play Stringer Bell in the televisions series, “The Wire”, we had to overcome our guilt as we thought about how we wouldn’t mind being a drug dealer’s lady. He overcame his fear of bugs to act in the movie “The Reaper” and continues to enthrall us in his movies. Thank you Idris for being a strong African brother with talent AND brains (and so handsome).
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4. Lemar Obika
This Londonbased crooner is a sexy R&B singer that is burning up the charts with his rich voice and silky tunes. 27 year old Lemar Obika has a new album out called The Truth About Love, that has collaborations with Mica Paris, Styles P, and a duet with Joss Stone. His debut album and second album together have sold over 1.5 million records and he doesn’t look like he is going to stop soon. He has won two Brits and three MOBOs. Definitely a brother to watch, and so very fine! We are sure to be hearing more from this talented young man.
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5. Djimon Hounsou
His acting career began with bits parts in TV series and Pop Videos including Janet Jackson's 'Love Will Never Do Without You', Paula Abdul's 'Straight Up' and Madonna's 'Express Yourself'. His real breakthrough came in the movie Stargate in 1994 where he starred as Horus. This opened the pipe line to other projects and ultimately in 1997 to the Oscar winning film Amistad, where he gave a phenomenal performance as Sengbe Pieh (Cinque), a tale of an African sold in slavery and fighting for justice. Djimon co-starred in Gladiator as Juba, the Numidian Gladiator. He was nominated in 2004 for an Oscar for the best supporting actor in the Film In America for his role as Mateo, an AIDS victim.

6.Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com Chiwetel Ejiofor
Chiwetel Ekofor has a rugged handsomeness that leaves us begging for more. A versatile actor, he has enthralled us with his singing, and with his shirt off. An award winning actor, his credits include Amistad, Dirty Pretty Things, Children of Men, and Kinky Boots. He was Alex Mpondo in the movie Red Dust and we were launched into the tortured memories of a politician. He is the prime candidate for the character of T’challa in the proposed Black Panther movies, and is in the new movie, American Gangster. How exciting! We can’t wait to see more of him.

7.Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com Fally Ipupa
This young bright Usher look-alike has worked with Koffi Olomide who helped him hone his musical skills. He mixes R&B and Congolese music to generate a fever pitched response to his singing. Fans are never disappointed in his concerts which are well organized and incorporate great dancing and singing. His show in New York brought the audience to their feet, and looking at him, we understand why.This chocolate brother is so hot he might just melt (or melt us!).

8.Oris Erhuero
Nigerian model-slash-actor who has made a huge splash on this side of the world from his campaigns for Armani, Versace, and Ferre. He started his career after getting shot in New York City. "I moved to Miami to recover and there I met a Colombian photographer called Azabra from Colombia who said to me that I should be acting. He decided to shoot me a portfolio. Next thing you know I am in London, Milan, South Africa doing covers for magazines, TV commercials and all that. It was a bizarre trip because I came from being in a coma and being in and out of the hospital to killing and destroying the cat walks." We are certainly glad you survived. He was seen opposite Idris Elba in the movie, Sometimes in April where he starred as the brother to Elba.

9. Sello Maake Ka-Ncube
South Africa

Award winning Sello Maake Ka-Ncube is one of South Africa’s most esteemed actors having performed in The United States, Britain, Canada and Europe. Films in which he has appeared include A Dry White Season with Donald Sutherland, Bopha with Danny Glover, Dark City for Channel 4, A Woman of Colour with Vanessa Williams and the award winning Taxi to Soweto. Apart from his prestige film and stage work, Sello is one of South Africa’s most popular television stars from his lead role in the long running television series of Generations. He is also a highly respected director.

10. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
This man is a talented actor, fluent in four languages (English, Italian, Yoruba, and Swahili), and a practicing Buddhist with a Master in Laws from the University of London. He has modeled and garnered a following with his appearance on the HBO series, OZ, and then on the series, Lost.